Ok, NOW it’s time for Northam to step down


West Virginia voted for him.

West Virginia voted for Trump.

Wierd how that works.

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Corey Stewart probably supports Northam more now.

stephen king…there i killed your argument

Think about it: why didn’t this show up when he was running for governor? I’m pretty sure the pro-lifers dug this up in light of the recent abortion bill.

You’re the one acting like it’s equal to an ingrown toenail. You sit there posting fetus pictures while babies are being “murdered”. I would be trying to save them by any means necessary.

How do you look yourself in the mirror?

Did he hide its existence? Do you remember, or think about the stuff you were doing in 1984? That’s not a justification, but I don’t know that we should jump to the conclusion that he was “hiding” anything.

I mean, I would think that I would remember taking a photo like that as a 25 year old man, especially if it was featured in my yearbook. He likely hoped that nobody would ever find it. And for more than a decade those hopes were granted.

Then you shouldn’t have an abortion after your chosen time frame.

Maybe you would. I don’t know that everyone would. I’m not inclined to assume the most nefarious scenario, but its certainly possible he was hiding it. I’m not going to die on this hill.

I am a Republican. I don’t believe Governor Northam should resign. Was he on the yearbook staff? Did he take the pictures? Is anyone going to hold the yearbook staff and its advisor responsible for this ever being published? Was there an uproar and protests at the time?

Everyone who sees these pictures today (and I am sure that includes Governor Northam) is grateful that such pictures would never be used in yearbooks today, that if the yearbook editor did not nix the layout, certainly the advisor would.

Let’s be grateful that society has changed and moved forward in this regard since 1985. If Governor Northam has put this nonsense behind him, and if he is currently a competent governor for Virginia, then let’s move on. If he is not, then replace him during the next election.

And I very much doubt I am the only Republican who holds this point of view.

Nailed it.

Why the change? Because Trump is president. Liberals began eating their own as soon as he was elected in hopes their faux outrage over racism and sexism would cause voters to dump him. It didn’t work but now there is no way for them to save face and go back to overlooking the deplorable behaviour many of them have been diplaying for years…

He can’t run for Governor again. Virginia has a one term term limit for Governor.

Sure man- you can be the party of Roy Moore. I’ll pass.

Northam wasn’t some punk high schooler when this photo was taken. He was a 24-25 year old medical student. How it ended up in the yearbook is beside the point. Northam apparently not only found it amusing to participate in such ugliness, but also clearly made no attempt to accept responsibility for his behavior and own up to it until now.

This goes beyond if the governor believes he his a difference person and has put this behind him. He leads a state of more than 8.5 million people. Nearly two million of them are African American. Should they be subjected to just accepting a governor who behaved this way? I don’t believe so.

If Northam wants to make amends and begin to heal wounds, the first step is his resignation.


Wish we had one term limits across the board. Good for Virginia.

Disagree. Do your remember all the pictures in which you appeared in 1984? Or, everything you did that year, based on the culture of that year? Now, if Governor Northam had continued or progressed with this type of behavior, that would be entirely different. Haven’t we all grown through the years?

No, because 35 years ago I didn’t exist.

This is the wrong question. The only question you should ask is, “Did you ever appear in picture with black face or a KKK costume?”


Thirty-five years from now, how forgiving do you mean to be of youthful errors and shortcomings?