Ok...I have a big problem with this Starbucks thing

Do you have any idea when the majority of lynchings took place? Like even what century, let alone what decade?

it isn’t the 21st century.

And before you talk so disrespectful… my people were enslaved to the ottomans even up to the 20th century. Bought and sold. The black slaves of the southern Democrats in American were freed 50 years earlier. So if your family has guilt or was a victim … get over it. My family was in bondage, was partly massacred and burned alive in Symrna, accumulated no wealth, suffered hatred of “greasy greeks” in the United States, and was not educated… but in two generations we got over it …because we had to. There was no Ottoman guilt to give us handouts that strip a man of his dignity. Thank God.

I’m just happy that “hobos” is a word still bandied about. :wink:

Hobo’s Lullaby
song is pretty popular on the Americana folk circuit. One of the first I learned to play. Hobo isn’t a dirty word to everyone.

So you don’t know when lynching took place and that it wasn’t just the 19th century?

Let’s keep the context of the question in this thread when the issue was first brought up.

Lynching of black people (see note at bottom regarding lynching of 1297 white people such as Italians) is not as recent nor in as great of numbers as murders and armed robberies by black people. And certainly not in Philadelphia.

"From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched. These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded. Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched. "

Again I heard the Manager was pretty much a SJW type person. Ben Shapiro said he has some people who knew her and said she would get on people for not using the correct pro-nouns.

So I am saying their is more to this story than what the 2 guys are telling the media.

yeah… libs always get burned by the very fires they stoke. If they studied the lessons of history instead of feminism and homosex they would know that.

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It was literally written into the deeds of suburban homes that they couldn’t be resold to blacks. Since new homes hadn’t been built from the beginning of the depression to the end of WWII, blacks, unlike Greeks, actually had nowhere to live but ghettos during the postwar housing shortage.

Meanwhile, everyone else got to benefit from new big government mechanisms like mortgage insurance just as the first Levittown-style communites started popping up.

It’s not that surprising that people without black skin could reach middle-class status in two generations. Little to no money down and a monthly payment of 70 dollars is a nice rolling start. Much easier than having to build an entirely new neighborhood from scratch just to be black in a suburb.

saw the movie too. Sidney Poitier was good in the role.

Can you cite the statistics that show how widespread was the prohibition ( as illustrated in the “Raisin in the Sun” ) against selling to black families? Like what percentage of suburban homes were affected in the US? No doubt such nefarious racism occured. You apparently have knowledge of how widespread it was.

otherwise, I can just cite the Greek Town riot of South Omaha or the KKK attacks upon Greeks and say it happened everywhere.

White guilt must weigh pretty heavily on those whose families have ancestors who were Democrat slavers in the south. I typically assume that the most guilty are those who try to project their own family guilt upon others. I kinda feel sorry for them. But mostly I feel sorry for the black people who have had their God given incentive to work stripped from them by those with white guilt who try to make amends with massive freebies. Thank God men like Clarence Thomas broke free from the old order of Democrats that continue to -in Thomas’ words- “lynch uppity blacks”. And thank God Democrats didn’t try to make MY family of Greek Americans victims as they did with black Americans. There would be PP abortion stores around every Greek American community and too many fatherless Greeks otherwise.

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In 1960 long island Levittown had 82,000 residents and not a single one was black. The Levitt firm, like the Ford company with cars, was vertically integrated from the timber to the finished house, and dominated the market on every step in between. No blacks on sale or resale was official company policy for two decades postwar, so it can actually be said that such discrimination happened everywhere because that’s how much influence they had.

Suburbs weren’t the only places, either. There was segregated urban housing as well, which contributed to the shortage of living space that blacks could actually use on top of the shortage of living space that already existed. No matter how much incentive there is to get out of the slums, there has to actually be a place to live outside of it. Blacks didn’t have that.

Hmmmm… citing events of last century. Interesting that you don’t have handy incidents more recent than 58 years ago.

so you don’t know how widespread was the lawful prohibition against selling homes to black people. I’m not surprised. But it WAS in a famous play/movie and it likely DID happen. But don’t we have to know how widespread it was so that we know how many white people to blame?

Well there’s no way I’m going to go county by county and read all their zoning laws or house deeds, so I guess that’s a win for you if you want to pretend it wasn’t that widespread. Maybe it’s easier just to believe a big chunk of the black population “have had their God given incentive to work stripped from them” and just felt like staying in the ghetto.

Is this why the Starbucks manager asked two black men to leave? They were from the ghetto?

I’m still trying to figure out the relevance.

It became relevant when you tried to stand on struggles of two generations of Greek Americans and talk to black Americans about human dignity being stripped. 2 generations is about 50 years, I wonder how many Greeks got a chance to live in those suburbs that blacks were banned from.

there are enforced laws today that prohibit housing discrimination and yet many neighborhoods are still segregated… voluntarily. Your “Raisin in the Sun” discrimination story no longer exists.

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You keep talking about a movie I’ve never seen, as if it means anything. Do you get your history from movies? That would explain why I’m sitting here trying to prove that housing discrimination was widespread during the great migration, the depression, and post WWII. I don’t think a textbook on American geography exists that doesn’t devote multiple sections to this subject.

Well, for one thing we have no idea whether the manager had done this before to white customers. This may just be the store policy and for reasons unknown. Places like Starbucks or Panera bread wind up getting squatted in because they offer free and fairly good WiFi. In some Starbucks they can accommodate lots of folks but some are smaller and quite often paying customers cannot sit because one guy takes a booth designed for 4 people and spreads out textbooks and laptops and basically stays there all day.

Used to have that problem at Borders books as well. No where to sit for a coffee because folks with laptops squatting in the coffee shop. Or folks grabbing dozens of magazines and just reading them all and buying nothing.

In city Starbucks I know they are more strict about the bathroom and hanging around because otherwise, folks would just hang all day and not buy anything while paying customers get inconvenienced. In Starbucks with less street traffic I don’t see this as much and they tend to allow folks to linger.

I sincerely doubt the manager had race on her mind when she asked them to leave, it was probably a recurring annoyance she had to deal with on a daily basis and these guys were just pushing their agenda to the limit to see how far they could go before getting arrested.

Maybe she is just a nasty person, but I doubt it.

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This could very well be…hence my problem with Starbucks firing her and closing down all their stores for a day to teach diversity training when it may very well have had nothing to do with race.

the re-training could just be a PR move.