Ok...I have a big problem with this Starbucks thing

At those times you bought nothing and sat with people who bought nothing, I bet you didn’t make an ostensible query of the Starbucks staff as to whether you were allowed to use the rest room.

You’re equating racist graffiti with two guys sitting in a coffee shop waiting for friends?

As in, “Let’s go sit in a Starbucks without ordering anything until someone calls the cops so we can bring down the franchise by saying we were racially profiled.”

That’s some Project Mayhem even Tyler Durden wouldn’t have thought up.

hey, this could simply be backup plan to Jade Helm.

Hey… I’m easy. You want to call Starbucks racist? I’m good with that too. I would be OK if Sharpton shook Starbucks down till they go out of business.


Shake em down Rev.

That IS the point of a set-up isn’t it?

I would say more but this is an unsecured channel. I hope you’re transmitting from your bunker.

Is Starbucks new policy to let anyone loiter all day. That kind of thing gets you smelly hobo’s filling up the place. Perhaps they should let them sleep there…lol!

We jumped to two men waiting in Starbucks for two minutes to smelly hobos quite quickly.

calling 911 if you have a problem with customers is not company policy.


Sorry- I disagree if it’s going to cost someone their job.

That’s not right.

Perhaps Starbucks doesn’t want managers who will call police on customers who have been in the store for just two minutes. Maybe Starbucks doesn’t even want managers who will confront customers who have only been in the store for two minutes? Seems like this manager has poor judgement, regardless of any racial argument.

its because “we” jumped from a food/drink establishment in a major city having rules about restroom use to … racism quite quickly.

Again…the firing being juxtaposed with shutting down all Starbucks’ stores for a day and making all staff go through diversity training is sending a message loud and clear.

She was enforcing a store policy…yes stupidly and clumsily from what we can tell…but enforcing it nonetheless.

Again…I understand there is conscious and subconscious racism. I’m not doubting that.

I disagree with you that we should simply “give the benefit of the doubt” every time an incident involves a minority.

give the benefit of the doubt to who?

The people that belong to a group that’s been historically discriminated against.

and not to the accused.

I see. Sure. Why not. The accused is likely 200 years old and actually had slaves. And there are NEVER any false accusations…

hands up dont shoot

I guess ya really can’t blame Rachael Dolezal for pretending to be black.

Pretty good leap. Think it’s a record?

Wonder what group commits the most armed robberies in Philly?

what group got lynched in the south?


which crime
… lynching or armed robberies… happens most often in the 21st century?

ps. Apologies to those who suffer from white guilt. Maybe your ancestors should have not have had slaves. Those of us whose 19th century ancestors WERE slaves of other nations suggest you just get over it… like we did.

And all those racist commentators on Yahoo, TMZ, YouTube,…black people.