OK, I give...I'm a Socialist now

You do know that if you eat a lot of protein and veggies you will lost weight and be more heathy don’t you?
It’s not the beef making you fat it is the carbs and sugars.
You do know that beef is the building block for muscle, cartilage, bones, skin, hair and blood?

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This is good. Tell me how is beef environmentally bad?

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Eating a product that is does not come from natural sources is not healthy.

Takes of lots of space that could be used for crops, and of course the infamous cow poots.

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such as?

You do know that the land that cattle are raised on is not land that could or should be used to raise crops. You do know that cow poop is much better for your yard and the land than all that chemical fertilizer that you spread on every year.

Your fake meat that is loaded with chemicals and antibiotics.

Say more here.

Who is attacking your state? What sort of attacks? (And what state?)

And your friends?

What attack is that?

my fake meat? what fake meat?

Sometimes… but there is also land that can handle both. In addition other resources are needed to be used to grow crops for cattle to eat that could be used to grow crops for people to eat.

The world is full of ■■■■ , we’ll be fine.

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At each level of consumption, it takes more calories to create the food than actually gets created. So to make the beef, it takes way more feed than you get from the final product.

In theory, growing soy and corn and wheat creates some level of carbon footprint, and pollution, and runoff. If mankind just at those things, it would end there. But mankind also wants to eat meat, and therefore more wheat and soy and corn need to be produced than if mankind just ate the plants themselves.

At least that’s the argument.

Having said that, it’s certainly not gonna stop me from eating meat. I see two major things that would stop me: 1) Meat is simply not available. Or 2) It’s far too expensive for me to afford it.

I consider myself a second-level vegan.

Cows eat plants. I eat cows.

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That would be protein. There are lots of sources of protein other than beef.


I too eat meat, but for me I would add a third item that would get me to stop that and thats realistic fake meat… which it seems we’re getting closer and closer to… also there’s the possibility of lab grown meat.

I think that would make you a second-level vegetarian since calves drink cow milk.

ITT: People still have misinformed views on nutrition and attempt to politicize it.


A whole lot. Almonds, Eggs, Lentils, Tuna, Salmon, etc.

soylent green and government cheese for everyone

what? you ate that?!? then no health care for you…

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So untrue. Not if you are cooking from raw ingredients as opposed to buying prepared items.

Well we can start with water input. Takes a whole lot more water per calorie to produce meat and dairy versus plants. US aquifers are going down and one day, they’ll be gone. Not that far off.