OK governor has COVID-19

Who’s playing politics?

The doctors and scientists who say the virus is dangerous and masks help stop the spread. Or the politicians refusing to wear masks?


The level of risk from the virus that is being advised and accepted is all politics.

Too many extremes…there needs to be more compromise.

Social media is out of its mind with the back and forth.

What does that mean?


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The average person doesn’t have the PTO, or vacation days, or money out of pocket because their health insurance blows, to be able to deal with a virus that has a long recovery time that requires “much patience.”

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Certainly we can’t give credibility to the sitting president who refused to wear a mask until recently. So do are we supposed to trust? Not the evil, mustache-twisting evil Dr Fauci.

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Here is one high profile case.

I dare think there are a few thousand more…just in Atlanta.



Both sides of the political spectrum are impacted.

One more governor in a red state is now believing the numbers.
I hope that this rubs off.

Careful. You are saying the quiet part out loud

You might want to wait before you start sidekicking.

She thinks that she and her husband got it at a funeral of a good friend.

Maybe she did.

Funerals have been restricted inconsistently as well.


So all you can provide is a “maybe…” for 1 individual case. Not very compelling.

Numbers don’t lie, but the orange menace does on a daily basis.


I live in Florida, so this doesn’t surprise me in the least. This is why I still refer to myself as a New Yorker.

I hope you stay well. It looks like things are getting a bit crazy there.

How did the Atlanta mayor catch it?

I went to blm protests. Almost everyone was wearing masks. It was 100% outside. I saw no rioters.

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