Ok dems. Time to stop whining and get moving

Nobody actually expects Donald and the Republicans to do anything. It’s enough that they make the democrats mad every day. Both sides are just as bad, it just so happens that one of them has complete control. But it’s Democrats fault that they’re not willing to compromise to fix this problem.

I remember he came to fame during the Duke Lacrosse team mess, and I hated him even then.

Compromise on fixing a problem created solely by Trumplicans? Why in the world would they do this when the T’s can fix this all on their own without having to compromise with any Democrats?

I’m not saying they should, however that’s not going stop the Trump administration from trying to spin it as their fault. I fully expect a sizeable portion of the public to buy their ■■■■■■■■■

he says as little children are torn… no RIPPED … away from their mothers and placed in prisons.

Because the Trump administration wouldn’t be FORCED to implement a policy like this if we had that border wall in place. It’s all about deterrence. This policy is designed to deter illegal immigration. However, if we had a wall… that’d be enough of a deterrence.

Dems fault for not being strong on immigration.

Yeah, I want you guys to expose how psycho you’ve gone as long and loudly as possible.

They still won’t stop blaming Democrats regardless of what happens because they know their base are morons and will believe anything.

T’s control every branch of government. They don’t need Democrats at all to get an immigration bill passed or fund their precious wall.

Not the Democrats fault they can’t seem to pass anything on their own.

Sorry but there is no getting the stink off the Republicans and putting this onto Democrats. The
Republican own the policy that is negatively tugging on America’s heartstrings.

The independents won’t and they’re the one who’s going to determine the tight House races in November.

I love Sesions explantion about the difference between the Refugee Centers and NAZI concentration camps. The Nazis were trying to keep the Jews from leaving while we’re doing the opposite.
“Well, it’s a real exaggeration, of course. In Nazi Germany, they were keeping the Jews from leaving the country,” -Jeff Sessions

The Trump Administration can stop that at any time without the Democrats’ help.

Either they really are that tone deaf…or else they know exactly who they’re appealing to.

The independents who are closeted Trumplicans won’t. Can’t do anything to change their minds, either. Just look at this board for example.

There are too many establishment Republicans still in office who won’t go along with EVERYTHING Trump wants. Those folks will have to be purged and replaced with even more Trump loyalists in upcoming elections.

In the meantime though, attacking Democrats has been a winning strategy for a long time.

Nah, the independents are for the most part against already against this and the longer it plays out the worse it will get for Republicans. And the press hasn’t yet been allowed to look at the facilities for girls and small children. There’s a reason for that.

The controversial policy does have support in subgroups, particularly among Republicans, 58% of whom approve of it. Outside the GOP there is much less support. Just 5% of Democrats and 27% of independents approve.

Will it be an issue that causes people to get out and vote. I hope so. But i wonder if anything will.

That’s not the Democrats fault, either.

Yes, I agree it’s a winning strategy because Trumplicans are morons. Nothing the Democrats can change about that. You can’t teach stupid.

They are very passionate morons though. That’s the main problem. They get out and vote. That has way more power than getting out and tweeting.