OK...Biden wins in Nov. What Trump policies will he roll back

You mean less mail (fed ex, ups, e-mail, video meetings, scanning documents and e-mailing), and continued consolidation of sorting centers and removal and adjusting mailbox drop locations as has been going on for many years?

Aren’t we little dictators

A purge is necessary to cleanse The System.

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I doubt you will see any deportations no matter what the offense.

Now this thread is showing promise.

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The sweet part is where tariffs are now a good thing after decades of opposition to them by the right

What was he before the cycle

The law and order guy whose policies you guys support wholeheartedly?

A representation of democrats actually rejecting a socialist and choosing the former vp, who is at best a centrist and at worst a racist 70s style democrat?

Kill your radio


The Trump administration really cut corners when they scrapped EPA requirements. In fact I read how the auto industry was pissed off because they had allocated funding, labs and engineering staff to keep working on increasing fuel millage. And there were quite a few requirements that were scraped insuring clean air and water. So I’m pretty sure that a Biden administration would have a look at all of those.

I oppose them. On both ends. I don’t know how else you fight them.

I find it fascinating that Capitalism Cons are offended by manufacturing being offshore in China. China expansion is a direct result of capitalism.

Profit over everything

We are discussing tariffs.

I don’t care if your Nikes are made in a Chinese sweatshop by kids.

Tariffs that were introduced as some sort of “punishment” on China for practicing Capitalism.

Tariffs placed on Chi-NA for putting tariffs on us.

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Tarrifs. Targeted.

This idea that Tarrifs are new ( i know you you don’t believe they are) is based on the error that 2017 is year zero. Again this isn’t directed towards you

I don’t have the idea tariffs are new. Obama put tariffs in place.

They no doubt go back to the beginning of history. What was it 1619?

Nothing will change there will still be riots in the streets, probably more illegals pouring across the border as the laws will be laxed, the debt will continue to explode as always, taxes will rise, big companies will continue to use the tax loop holes to get out of paying taxes, move more industry across seas, and the insourcing-outsourcing will rise. A good chance we will find ourselves in another war looking at Biden’s past national security votes, and health cares costs will continue to rise. Iraq war nice

And of course they will say for the next four years they inherited a mess and blame it on the previous administration. In all honesty I am not sure I would want to be the party in charge when all the mortgage forbearance programs come home to roost and people without a job have to pay twelve months of mortgage payments, some which will be all at once, this will happen regardless of who is president.

We will be back in the Paris climate change program at a time carbon is falling across the world because of covid while China laughs their assess off building 100 coal plants a year now in other third world countries. All emission changes Trump signed in order will be cut and those companies and the jobs will be gone, because the industries are failing again because of the virus. Taxes will definitely go up and I highly expect a long over due market correction to happen once they do, then the topic will be shifted back to “The stock market isn’t that big of a deal”. Antifa will switch back to Occupy Wall Street type of movements, and the country will be as split as ever and as always the mid terms will be a wipe out because the other side will be energized, rinse and repeat.

Tariffs are the alternative to endless wars.

Trump doctrine.

You are correct that R in long held DC seats fought them vigorously.

Ask why.