Oh the irony of the BLM movement

Much of the current activism seems to be anti police, not anti bad police. Take defunding police. That is the police that over 80% of black poll saying they want, not just searching out the bad ones and getting rid of them.
The people this article was about say their problem is no police. This is immediately met by people talking about why would they want executioners to come there.
I don’t think they did.
They just wanted cops and policing.
Probably like the person has who made the cute remark about executions.

Great so America officially has no go zones.

Lets attack and vilify them some more. Maybe that will motivate them. Though, historically, it seems to just make them quit.

More than 200 Seattle police officers quit over the last year, many citing anti-police climate | Fox News

What they are doing works for me, which is losing public approval. Maybe you don’t know, police approval, rising, BLM approval downward whistle slide.


And this is what happens when the police doesn’t show up. I had to watch this stupid project play out in Seattle only to see five people shot. Had to listen to the idiots running the city calling it the summer of love. This is why I can’t take the left serious on these matters, Were are the social workers or whatever else that supposed to take the place of the police stepping up? Why isn’t the criminal honor system working the jihadist congresswoman from Minnesota suggested?

Why are they living in a warzone? How is defunding the police going to work? Do we really have to watch this kindergarten logic play out so that far left movements get their way when everyone knows what the outcome will be. And yes they were calling for not only defunding the police but getting rid of the police, elected officials paid by taxpayers.

And the right has all the loonies :thinking: This will become the new norm in certain cities and a lot of innocent people will be hurt or worse. If the police are gone criminal elements fill the void, “a warzone”.


White flight 2.0, imminent.

Blatant hypocrisy…

The left wouldn’t have much without it.

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The consequences of the BLM movement as a whole…riots, mob justice, rising crime rates…the blindingly blatant hypocrisy that is BLM…

Negates the movement as a whole.

Domestic terrorism should not be considered a movement. It’s just terrorism.

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We currently live in a world where I can say “All Lives Matter”, and be called a racist by someone telling me only one skin color matters.

BLM has extorted millions of dollars out of businesses and individuals that will never see the communities in which the could actually benefit blacks lives…instead that money is enriching the few at BLM. This outfit is and I hope people will realize always has been a scam.

Racism for profit.


Otherwise known as, the democratic party.



BLM is basically the enforcement arm of the liberal left.

Big city businesses were boarding up in election night spray painting messages on the plywood to BLM that they supported them. Please don’t burn us down.

How many black people had their lives ruined and black owned businesses were destroyed by BLM rioters last summer.

How many will be destroyed the next time they decide to loot and burn?

The words on their website are meaningless.

A wise person once said that actions speak louder than words.

We only need to look at BLM’s actions…the lives they’ve ruined…the businesses destroyed…the people who have died.

We only need to recognize that they seem almost to need the next police officer to pull a trigger. George Floyd is the best thing to ever happen to BLM. How many homes did his death buy Patrice Cullers?

I pray that my fellow Americans are waking up to the racist opportunists at Black Lives Matter.

Good. It’s time to reject those frauds for what they are.

And to think, I am accused of supporting authoritarianism by some here.
Good times.

I reject it…so has most of society…at least in practice.

A nuclear family, elementary family or conjugal family is a family group consisting of a man and a woman and their children. It is in contrast to a single-parent family, the larger extended family, or a family with more than two parents.

According to some polls, tens of thousands of them.

This is from policemag.com. This is the impact of all the lies and hyperbole and systemic racism crap.

“ A survey produced by Skeptic.com reveals that people who identify as liberal or very liberal believe 1,000 or more unarmed black men were murdered by police in 2019.

According to the Washington Post database, that number was 12. The Mapping Police Violence database says the number was 27.

The survey says among the very liberal, more than 50% believe American law enforcement killed 1,000 or more unarmed black men in 2019. Nearly 8% of the very liberal respondents believe officers killed more than 10,000 unarmed black men in 2019.

About 39% of self-identified liberal respondents said police killed 1,000 or more unarmed black men in 2019. A little 5% of liberal respondents said that number was more than 10,000.”


Obviously the Washington Post and the Mapping Police Violence databases are lies. The people know the truth! Every time the cops stop a black person, they pull their gun, wait until the person has their hands up and says “I can’t breathe,” … and then they shoot them! :angry:

Here’s my thought…maybe I’m wrong but…

There are millions of interactions between law enforcement and the public every year. The numbers I’ve read are that there are 7-800000 law enforcement officers in the country. Those are big #’s.

The laws of statistics and reality dictate that not all of those people and not all the interactions are going to be perfect. Less than 20 allegedly unarmed black men were killed by police last year. There’s a system in place to deal with the really rare Derek Chauvin’s, he’s spending his life in jail. More people died in the summertime riots last year than were killed by cops…more black kids die in a bad month in Chicago. Of course bad cops should be run out of law enforcement but condemning the whole industry of policing over the tiny handful of bad police interactions and the super rare Derek Chauvin’s is stupid and destructive.

Edited to add…if we’re going to condemn police over the handful of incidents that go wrong … maybe we should also start applauding them for the overwhelming # of things they do well…the lives they save, the communities they serve, and the times they go above and beyond to do good things where they live.

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All I know, is that if I were a cop I would not respond to a call in any situation where I might be accused of murder for doing my job. And if I were fired because of that stance, I’d move somewhere where police are appreciated or quit the profession. The vehement response by many, some even in the National Media and by so-called sports heroes, directed at the cop who saved that girl from being brutally stabbed … possibly to death … should be a wake up call to all law enforcement personnel. I don’t know what BLM and their supporters expect anymore.

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