Oh No . . . six more sets of documents found in Biden's home

Looks like klain is gonna be the fall guy…or maybe the culprit.

Anyone else remember talk about the Univ. Of Delaware hosting all of biden’s documents?? Something about not releasing them until biden was out of public servife for X amount of years??

Looks like they need a raid as well.


That is where the good stuff is.

University of Delaware.

Fall guy for what exactly?

The reboot of the old Lee Majors series.

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In a way, I’m reminded about that story from the Rose Law days when a tornado was said to have struck a junk yard out of a clear blue sky and upended exactly one car, causing its trunk to open and reveal Rose Law records that had been hidden within.


I loved that show.

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They both had classified documents in their possession. That is where any similarities in the two cases begin and end.

I’ve been in agreement. Biden should be under investigation because he had documents he should not have. Where Trump ran afoul was trying to keep documents and ignoring a subpoena likey engaging in obstruction.

Apparently it’s on Prime. I might have to give it a re-watch myself.

Yes one of them

  • made it a lifelong habit
  • did not keep his documents even remotely secure
  • was so cavalier about it, he did not even know what he had, nor where they were
  • tried to make into a legal issue to silence his political opponents.

The other is a champion of freedom who said “Screw you. You only pretend to want them back so you can make a cheap political point. Well, I don’t bow down to tyrants.”

Like the

  • champions who refused to leave the walmart lunch counter,
  • champions who refused to sit in the back of the bus,
  • champions who refused to stop making sea salt
    The champions who refuse to empower civil rights violations should be celebrated and have statues built in their honor.
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One been taking em for 15 years or more…other one who was president was packing up to move out of the White House at the end of his term…and most likely was packed by his aides and GSA workers.


It is the only way to find a way to excuse. Sad.

Doesn’t matter if it is one document. The penalty should be the same.

“But Trump had three more than Biden!”

Never mind it is being shown that:

  1. Biden has done this since being a senator
  2. Biden did not secure the documents
  3. Biden called Trump careless when in fact, he is the one who is careless.

Biden got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Karma’s a bitch.


Maybe they were used to do a few lines?

Quite noticeably, Libs are mostly absent from this discussion.

A smattering of lame talking points, but without passion or temerity.

This latest “(d)iscovery” is radioactive.


That’s not even as outlandish as the official story of them being found “on a desk”.


Call me skeptical, but how do you square thinking aids packed for Trump and not for Biden? Seems you have a double standard of your own.

Biden’s is worse. His covers decades….

There’s a story on Fox that he “requested” the fbi search.

Sure he did, after his lawyers had some time to clean up his messes, giving cover to his defenders so people like you can babble about trump.

We now see Biden, who we know lied about his ties to his family’s businesses, has lied and allowed his surrogates to lie about the border, who lied about border agents on horseback, and who’s conduct re: this documents story has been to shift his story as more and more evidence has trickled out….as having collected classified documents for decades….stored them sloppily, and the lied about them being in his possession.

Why did he have them?
How did he use them? Who benefitted?
Who had access?
How much money has his family made as a result of government secrets on his possession?
Now that we’ve seen a few, maybe the ones they were willing to expose, how many does/for he really have?

What’s it going to take for liberals to see this man and his family and associates as the lying dirtbags they are?


Because from what I can tell they weren’t packed in moving boxes…think!


There’s no indication of that other than feelings. The lawyers would have found them. I’m thinking the DOJ found a batch of boxes from when he became VP. That is why there where papers from before and after.