Oh No! Is Joe getting Kavanaughed?

Nope. Not all. Accusations began flooding out after the picture.

The ole devil’s triangle

Yep. The GOP has not learned how to play dirty yet. But the Merrick Garland thing was close. :relieved:


Boring…with the whitewashing of trump I really dont care anymore.

You cant even get outraged over trump cheating while his wife was pregnant…

Why should I care…

Nobody is asking you to care. But he should definitely get the Kavanaugh treatment. There is no justification not to.

Just ignore it…

Last time I checked, Kavanaugh was appointed as a Supreme Court justice. So in order for Biden to truly get Kavanaughed, he will need to win in November.

They probably won’t touch it on the lib shows. FOX hasn’t even touched it yet. What’s up with that?

So, Joe believes in grabbing women by the ■■■■■ as well? Damn - beginning to look like we’re going to have a president who likes to do that next year either way this race goes.

I agree let’s get this going

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I’m not surprised. You’re pretty consistent. :+1:

And I’m dead serious too…

Allegations should be investigated, I don’t care who you are. If they find her credible then move forward with hearings or through the legal system


So you think he should be put on the Supreme Court?

And I doubt that I care. :wink:

I care but still it’s just an accusation at this point regardless of which side of the aisle we can’t go along with trial and judgement by social media. He has every right to be defended and he is innocent until proven guilty. The sniffing thing is odd but kind of funny but these are serous accusations he deserves to be defended before ripping him up for something he may never had done.

whether I believe it or not is moot, it’s an accusation made 27 years after the alleged incident. Give the lady her 15 min and move on.

Close. I think he should be tried before a court.

Caption: “You are a good boy, can I throw up in your mouth.”

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That’s nearly 30 years ago.

  1. Therej’s no way to prove it
  2. Even if it were true and he admitted it, people can change in 30 years.

oh my! lol

So? We should still Kavanaugh him. Why not?