Oh I Love This - B more

Since 1967, no Republican Mayoral candidate there has garnered even 25% of the vote. Baltimore is one of the most uni-partisan cities in America. And it shows.

Mod Note

Stop calling people ignorant.

That’s the one.

The federal government does not actually have an enumerated power to fix, help fund or run cities in the Jurisdiction of a State. It’s all on local and State government.

And so is the blame.

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It takes an extra special kind of stupid to riot and loot in your own community, destroying places you and your neighbors depend on for jobs and places to shop and such. Rage is just an excuse to be this sort of exceptionally stupid.

Those that sow these works richly deserve the poverty they will reap from them.

If only it would only fall on them!

I reserve my empathy only for their peaceable neighbors who now get to live with the ruin the morons cause.


Cleveland last had a Republican mayor in 1989, Detroit in ‘62, St Louis in ‘49 … hmmm … clearly all bipartisan.


How is it possible not a single one of you has ever seen The Wire.

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How is it possible you think TV is real.

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How is it possible that you don’t know what The Wire is and the nonfiction work it’s based on, is the real question.

I know what it is, a TV program.

The idea for the show started out as a police drama loosely based on the experiences of his writing partner Ed Burns, a former homicide detective and public school teacher.


How about just locking up the people who shoot others?

I’ve watched every single episode and it’s probably either my 2nd favorite show here or tied for 1st with Sopranos.

How does it apply to this discussion exactly ?

Exactly. The useful idiots in the left won’t be happy until the U.S. resembles Blade Runner, or modern day Baltimore.


Just to be clear, you’re asking how The Wire relates to crime and policing in Baltimore?

Oh well why didn’t anyone think of that before you.

The drug war you leave so dearly has created two generations of cops who only know how to make bull ■■■■ stats based arrests and long term investigation police work and proactive policing is in a shambles. Go cops!

No. I thought you meant that it relates to “fine people on both sides” point that someone was making here earlier.

You need to gat up, get your moll and get hip with the street!

How is it possible that you think a single one of us cares?

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Failure is rewarded with the left.

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