Oh Goody, we're bailing out the auto industry again . . . . (Wait! what year is it?)

The economy’s great!


It’s Chrysler and GM. I’m more surprised when they’re not on the edge of bankruptcy.

Also, why should we give Stellantis ■■■■■ Make Citroen pay for that ■■■■■


Maybe they wouldn’t need bailouts if they weren’t so hellbent on making EVs that nobody wants.


you’ll like what we tell you to like


Well that and their ■■■■ quality control.

They make Ford look competent. And as a Ford fan I can say they are not competent.


You will drive your EV and be proud of it. Or you can go to reeducation camp.


Here’s an oldy

fauci do told


Too much inventory


A market is supposed to be created by demand, not a government dictation. EVs are government dictated and the US auto industries fell in line. It’s cost Ford billions in losses. GM wasn’t as fast to the front line of all of this as Ford but their new EV Blazer is NOT selling. Our government is out of control and have forced these losses on profitable, very important to our American economy…corporations. There is NO logical reason for EVs except "V"irtuous stupidity. The losses these companies are enduring today and surely will tomorrow for as long as they’re building for a market that wasn’t “demanded” will greatly hurt this country economically. Thanks again you stupid ass politicians.


Democrats love their fascist economic policy


From google AI

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and today’s Chevy Bolt, is about the price of a small motorcycle (after the government coercion $$$) And designed to be “everybody’s first EV”


Exactly, that and other govt mandates

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This is socialism by the dems.

It needs to stop and Trump would be a good step in the direction of stopping it.

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Would have been better had they just let EVs compete on their own merits instead of making it political.

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…and you are a “fellow” cult member…amirite @WuWei? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


We give money like this away all of the time to various industries and companies. We all support this “socialism” one way or another… you all just don’t like where this particular money is going. And that is fine.

But don’t make it seem like you all don’t support giving away money like this.

If favoring the guy running with the best policies makes me a “cult” member then so be it.

I tend not to pay attention to folks who seem to vote 3rd party so they can take pot shots at both sides myself. :thinking:

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False. Phoney. Made up and believed only by un-thinking people pre-disposed to believe it.

Except for bailouts, (which I generally oppose) corporate welfare is a canard.

Libs get upset when corporations don’t have to pay taxes on money they never made and call it “corporate welfare.” This, (what Biden is doing) is actual corporate welfare.

Not corporate welfare:
Company lost $1 billion one year and made $1billion the next. Paid no taxes the second year.

Is corporate welfare:
“Well my EV plan is a dismal failure so I’ll pay GM and Stellanits $1billion of your money to make my program look like a success.”