Oh cool. Here comes the blame for lack of adequate medical supplies on ... the Tea Party!

If you’re going to take someone to task for not sticking to the thread topic, you should probably actually know what the thread topic is.

Oh cool. Here comes the blame for lack of adequate medical supplies on … the Tea Party!

This thread lib-swerved to Trump in the second post.

Beware the power of stupid people in large numbers.

2 feet? Where’s the social distancing?

Good lord, don’t we know. CNN, the DNC the New York times The Washington Post. All Stoooopid people in large numbers. :smiley_cat:


They’ve all been tested. Your fears are unwarrented. :relaxed:

Yes we should totally blame China for our own botched response.

But hey- at least we didn’t botch it as badly as Italy.

Don’t any of you focus test these lame-ass responses before you put them out for public consumption.

First we would need a botched response. Our response was the best in the world. Quick and decisive. :us:

Six weeks before we even knew there was community spread in the US.

Yep- all time best response.

I too, was one that never believed doublethink was real…until I heard people say without blinking “Trump has had the best response ever to this pandemic crisis he always knew was a crisis, even though it was just a media-driven panic over the flu”.


It’s really surprising that all of the people who regularly bring up Hunter Biden’s supposed lack of qualifications have remained absolutely silent about Jared Kushner’s lack of same … and repeatedly demonstrated lack of competence.

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South korea did it better

15 billion dollars to address the nation’s biggest health issue? Yeah, whatever were they thinking??

Some local responses were very good indeed. Nationally, not so much.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America

When did federal spending get cut?

When the states and local gov’ts prepare ahead of time for disasters as they are supposed to do, The Federal Emergency Response doesn’t get overwhelmed.

It exists only to support the states when they become overwhelmed, ask for, and receive a disaster declaration.

The states failed to do their jobs which makes it exponentially more difficult for the Federal Gov’t to support any of them, much less all of them.


I’m willing to give a pass to the states and to the fedgov.

Sure, we can find this-guy or that-study predicting this-disaster or that-disaster, and then point fingers and say they were warned and should have prepared for whichever one came true. But there are countless predictions out there, and countless-minus-one that never come true. We actually have stockpiles of stuff rotting in storehouses, wasting away for contingencies that never happened. But we also have stuff stored away with a good turnover rate that gets used before it goes bad.

Guess what? You can bet once this is all over that we’ll stock up for the next superbug from China. And people will complain about costs and bureaucracies that spring us from it – just as people complain about counter-terrorism procedures at airports today that sprung up in response to unanticipated actions by shoe bombers and 9-11 terrorists.

We’re a culture of complainers. Each side complains about the other. This unexpected virus has brought out the “best” in that characteristic among us.

Who is usually the group of people that complain about what public goods and services cost?

Usually with some canned response about how the private sector can solve a public problem better?

Your questions reveal your agenda. Of course you’re going to ask that. Like I said, “Each side complains about the other.” You demonstrate my point. And propagate the problem.


You were the one that stated we would complain about the cost or being prepared early for a pandemic.

The question is not agenda-driven.

It is reality driven.

There has been one group that has been focused on driving down these aspects of public spending…usually under the arguments it’s not in their constitutional remit to have such spending.

These are facts, not agenda.