In the OP, I mention that Duckworth may have been the rising star until the protesting/rioting began recently. Some feel she’s “not the right person for this moment.” It’s very clear what that means.
I don’t see the baggage a lot of Dems do. I looked into her record, if anything she was more Conservative than a lot of Dems like. But I don’t mind that.
She tried to make parents responsible for their truant children who were skipping classes. That is fairly conservative.
She was against Marijuana legalization for a long time, again, fairly Conservative. But, she wound up teaming with Cory Booker and calling for legalization nationwide, so she can change with the times.
She initiated the first statewide body cam program for state cops, which is a good thing. She didn’t force cities to adopt them, though, because they might not have been able to afford it. Again, very Conservative stance. And she was criticized for it, by Dems.
She started “Back on Track”, which provides first time felons with housing assistance and job training while providing essential services to curb recidivism. Not too shabby.
I don’t see any glaring red flags other than the fact she is more Conservative than a lot of other Dems, but a lot of that comes with being an AG.
I think there are a lot of educated, steady pairs of hands that also carry too much baggage to be a net positive to the Deep State’s campaign for Sleepy Joe.
Demmings would be an absolute lock except Biden’s VP has to be able to make the argument they’d be ready to be president on day one, given his age and medical history.
George HW Bush was a naval pilot in the Pacific during WWII. At age 19 he was flying aircraft off of carriers and dropping bombs on Japanese naval vessels.
Read much?