Has AOC ever said eating babies is wrong? Think of all the other things she hasn’t said. And libs support her?
What this thread needs to get back on track is for someone to mention the ongoing investigations against Obama and the extinction of the DEMOCRAT party that will result.
I’m willing to bet the investigations discover that Obama ate babies while attending Rev. Wright’s church. All will be revealed in 2020, folks, believe me!
Well, maybe babies are good for you. They’re full of Stem Cells…
The 2020 Republican Convention can have a baby as their featured guest speaker, the one that got away from AOC to speak about the dangers of unhinged climate activists. Well, not speak speak but it’s good enough for the crowd.
I actually brake out the popcorn when AOC runs her mouth, she is considered retarded after that new green deal she pushed.
Clint Eastwood is already on tap to address an empty crib, representing the baby Ocasio-Cortez cannibalized.
Gonna be bigly.
Climate change is a religion to some, and as all religions began in their primitive stage it often involved human sacrifice. So baby eating should have been expected.
It’s not only expected, it’s encouraged
Give it a few thousand years and they’ll upgrade to transubstantiation.
They have a lot to go through first. Imagine the climate inquisitions. And yesterday blood was flowing through the streets of London by the climate worshippers.
You don’t say…
I bet babies are delicious. Like veal.
This is strictly to help the environment, you’re not supposed to enjoy it no matter how well seasoned the babies are.
I don’t know. Lionfish are an invasive species AND delicious.
But if you insist I won’t make gluttonous noises when I eat baby.
“fake blood” - yeah right. We know where climate worshippers got that “fake” blood.
WOW!!! AOC is so nuts and her supporters or so nuts…that we have to send plants to say nutty things to show it??
Its behind a pay wall so I’ll give you a recap.
The woman was a plant from a right wing fringe political group to try to embarrass her.
It seems they did an guess what BAM! its a Trump supported plant
Okay fine it wasn’t a lib but we all know they are perfectly capable of eating babies, and WOULD were it not for Donald, religion, and the 2A.
Because she’s all in favor of the idea. Don’t be fooled by this particular instance being a prank, Trump Nation - if they could, libs would eat you and everyone you care about!