Ocasio-Cortez hits back at Republicans

Yes, Fox is covering everything she says, when in reality whatever she said would be a local to maybe state story.

But she is new the new face of OOOGA BOOGA SOSHULISM and Fox is hyping her like she’s a Black Panther lounging around a poll.

She went after Amazon.

ok for ocasio cortez to be ignorant of government?

lol. Yeah, Fox and Republican media weren’t going basurp before she commented on something right next to her congressional district.


She needed the attention, she got it.

Reflecting an opinion of a great deal of her constituents.

Isn’t it refreshing to see a representative representing the people who put her there?

Not really, I’ve been watching Trump do it for 2 years.

She’s hilarious… Because she thinks she’s really smart. So, she’ll be on the rep comedy roles for a while.

On the other hand leftist with this kind of mindless faith in socialism are the most dangerous thing in history…

The job of the President is fundamentally different than one of the members of the House.

Not any more than it is okay of Trump to be ignorant of a multitude of things relative to the government.

the left defended the black panther hanging around the polls…lol

How is it fundamentally different?

Head of the executive branch for the nation.

Representative in one house of legislature for a section of Queens and the South Bronx.

It’s right there in the Constitution.

And yet both campaign on promises and are expected to keep them.

You are talking about a difference of scale, not a fundamental difference.

The President is not a Representative in the legislature.

Sure the President can represent the tone and will of the electoral college, but an office that can be attained with a minority of votes cannot be said to represent the “will of the American People” 100% of the time.

With some of her stated positions, yes. Especially wanting to ban any sort of gun lobby money in Congress. Just that specific type.

If she can do that, can I pick a lobby that should not be allowed to have their positions heard? Or would that be an abridgment of free speech?

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And yet talk radio and others continually invoke her name to spook the masses.

How do you know what they’re trying to do? Another mind reader.

It is easy to divine what the CEC does because they are so transparent about it.

You don’t have to be psychic.

Why do you think our host continually references Clinton?