Ocasio-Cortez: 'Frustrating' that lawmakers oppose Medicare

Untrue. That you present what the culture seems to be doing at the moment demonstrates my point. Just because the culture seems to be doing something is meaningless to if that’s in any way what should be done.

In fact, I’ve watched as folks on this forum have been moved along by the tides seeminging unaware of what’s happening to them.

I can do that because I have NOT gone along with the culture. It isn’t heading in a good direction. It has not been heading in a good direction for a long time.

People are not like proverbial frogs in frying pans of water. They can make excuses or justifications about why the new warmer water is always an improvement or some such. That’s how the Left is getting, in the extremes, drawn into socialism or some Romans 1:18-32 process.

I jumped out of the pan years and years ago and am a better person for it.

The Staten Island advance disagrees with you.


I’d still like an answer as to why she thinks she can ban firearm money from congress, but hasn’t called for bans on other types of money. Say environmental or union money. I guess she wants the first amendment applied only selectively.

Oh yeah and ■■■■ the second amendment.

■■■■ that ■■■■■

She makes good points. Anyone who underestimated her is probably angry right now.

They get a highly subsidized (70+%) Obamacare policy.

They have always gotten a sweeter deal than the average Joe.

This complaint is not new. I remember hashing this crap out here years and years ago.

Baby steps buddy… Baby steps!

I’m sure she resented it so that she rejected it.

She’s a classy lady. We could all learn a thing or two from her.

She’s making Politifact work overtime that’s or sure. :laughing:

Do you disagree with her regarding healthcare for Congress?

She is not an idiot. Her swearing in, along with her fellow 434 members of Congress, is also her’s and their inauguration.

Perhaps instead of poking fun at Orcasio-Cortez and letting loose ill thought out accusations of “windbaggery” towards me, you might just want to do a little self educating.

Actually I pointed out some time back that she was correct in stating her “inauguration”.




  1. the beginning or introduction of a system, policy, or period.

“the inauguration of an independent prosecution service”

  • the formal admission of someone to office.

“Truman’s second presidential inauguration”

  • a ceremony to mark the beginning of something.

“the inauguration of the Modern Art Museum”

That you are not familiar with hearing inauguration used for members of Congress and their formal admission to office, albeit, admittedly, more commonly referred to as their “swearing in” does not make her the “idiot”. What she said about her entrance to the office is absolutely correct if not as pedestrian as the terminology you are used to.



He’s inaugurating himself?

After a swearing-in ceremony in Washington, D.C., Congressman-elect Max Rose will hold an Inauguration ceremony at the St. George Theatre. (Alexandra Salmieri/Staten Island Advance)

So, are you saying that the term inauguration is common usage routinely used by the press/

do they swear an oath? then they are inaugurated

Nope. Not at all.

So, she elected to use a much more grandiose word for her ceremony. Is she narcissist?

Most Americans support it. I think it needs to come from someone like Biden though. A large percentage of people look at Ortez and Sanders as to far to the left, and it might hurt the ability to get such a large program like that passed. And it will be beyond difficult to pass. The healthcare insurers and drug makers are not going to lay down while that is being debated.

Both the right and left wing media have been dismantling routinely literally everything she says. She is quickly gaining attention and followers, while at the same time being dismissed as a firebrand out of touch naive politician.

I’m not saying America doesn’t need it, but it needs a moderate messenger imho.



She is a socialist.

An evil little New York brown skinned socialist soon to be voting in Congress but who already correctly uses English as a first language all while living rent free inside scared Trumplican head’s.


Even “moderates” will and have been accused of being socialists for advocating a universal system of healthcare. Your idea relies on honest dialogue and debate, which is absent from the discourse that occurs on this topic.

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Did you mean signing legislation? :slight_smile: