Obstruction Poll

That depends on the perspective; in Donald Trump’s perspective the answer is Fox News.

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Mayve you should take your own advice before pretending to know Trump’s perspective.

Here is just one example of the plethora of tweets from D Trump articulating his view on Fox News.

Donald J. Trump ‏Verified account @ realDonaldTrump

@ realDonaldTrump

. @ FoxNews is MUCH more important in the United States than CNN, but outside of the U.S., CNN International is still a major source of (Fake) news, and they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly. The outside world does not see the truth from them!


Lying about why you did things and instructing other people to lie is not corrupt?

It’s already been documented that Trump thinks that the responsibility of the attorney general is to defend him, that’s why he was angry about Jeff Sessions and Sessions left… so you honestly think that the opinion of the person that he hired to defend him shouldn’t be questioned?

I mean it’s perfectly clear that those in Trump’s base will defend him no matter what

A more general question: has anyone who worked/works for Trump during his presidency had their reputation enhanced?

Depends on what kind of reputation. If it’s the reputation to kiss the President’s ass, get embarrassed attempting to explain his words or actions, and ability to land in the crosshairs of federal investigations… then that type of reputation is stellar. :rofl:

I took advantage of your implicit response, thank you very much, :grin: and yes they are stupid at a level above Nixion. Stock up on popcorn

I’m glad you agree the people implicating the Obama administration are stupid.

If it wasnt for him being president he would have been indicted.

and it won’t long until this thread drops away too. The no Collusion conclusion is ending the delusion for many…

Wishful thinking.

Wishful thinking.


What is the deep state? More conspiracy theories? Jade Helm? Breitbart lies? FOX lies? Alex Jones lies?

It’s hilarious to see you righties wring your hands about the “deep state.” :rofl::rofl:

Who was it that pushed the Russian collusion lie for 2 years?

It wasn’t a lie.

And in his written answers he couldn’t recall. 37 times. Which is ironic when you look back on this quote from his tv lawyer Sleepy Rudy:

““She claims 37 times to the FBI she can’t remember things. This has to be a lie. Otherwise she has such a bad memory she should really be going somewhere for memory lessons, not running for president of the United States.”

Hillary, is that you?

America’s mayor’s middle name is hypocrisy.

I dont know, but apparently young staffers are having a hard time dating in DC, lol.