Obama worst president since WWII

It’s like this, the lack of corruption cases against the Obama admin proves how corrupt they were, but the ■■■■ ton of cases against people in the Trump admin proves how they’re not corrupt.

Liberals go to card was if a person doesn’t like Obama then they are a rascist. I do thank Obama for at least two things. One giving us a huge win in the house and Senate, as well as a majority of governors being Republican. Second the NRA saw a nice incline in membership.

And of course all the convictions against the Reagan and Bush ll don’t count. Why, well just because they don’t. :wink:

And that is the biggest scandal of all. The corrupt Obama DOJ had zero indictments, let alone convictions for the most corrupt administration in history.

too bad what you said was complete ■■■■■■■■ also since the Republicans control both houses and the presidency… how many laws have they passed that benefited america?

Your question is laughable. What you are really asking is how many liberal laws were passed by the GOP controlled House, Senate and Executive branch. Thankfully the answer is none.

Looks like Tommy had your number before you had time to think.

so you deflect then answer a question with a question… America voted and the Republicans won… it is their job to govern moving forward. what laws have they passed to benefit america?

Plenty … you’re my muse. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tax cuts for one. Securing our borders. Welfare reform should be coming soon. Just to name a couple. MAGA
The only real achievement Obama will go down for us being the first black president. Oh and getting the peace prize for doing nothing.

Whoever actually called you a racist? Not a Fox News host, not a Republican politician, but you?

wait congress passed a welfare reform law… do you have a link to that? again why are you laying down the race card? which law did congress pass on securing the border? how are we as a nation going to pay for the tax cuts for the rich that congress passed?

It was more than that. Carter also ended the bribes that were being paid to the Ayatollahs to mollify their resistance to the Shah.


Tax Cuts - Expire for Americans in a couple of years.

Securing our Borders - They are secured now? Then what is all of the fuss going on at the southern border these past few days?

Welfare Reform - Date to begin to be announced at a later date.

Pretty extensive list. Wow.

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You can read right? I said welfare reform should be coming. Which means it hasn’t yet.

And that is exactly what they are doing. They are passing conservative legislation, which is what they were elected to do.

Not a smart decision in the long run in terms of our interests in the region.

It did lead to something interesting though. The most successful F-14 ace of all time was an Iranian. Shot down 15 Iraqi fighters.

i love it when you have your leopard thong on backwards… ok who put the bill on the floor to discuss welfare reform? again… what have they done to benefit america? not executive orders but real bills to be discussed on the floor?

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Liberals loved to yell racism as some sort of retort. Look at the old Hannity threads

again… what have they done since being sworn into office?