Obama. The Worst President in American History?

Any other 2021 predictions?

Not Yet

Well don’t hold out on us.

The big ones?

  1. President Klobuchar
  2. Donald Trump’s business empire collapses under weight of bank and tax fraud indictments
  3. Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle tearfully announce separation, citing irreconcilable hair product differences

The problem with your argument about what “everyone” wants is: when counting the votes of “everyone,” Trump lost, big time. 3 million votes, 2% margin of loss for Trump. You need to make up a different argument, because this “everyone” bit doesn’t stand up in the face of facts.

Facts only confuse the reality show mentality.

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All these champions of the common man only win elections they game through government trickery.

Thanks I’ll be watching.
Debbie Wasserman Shultz should be consulted regarding #3.

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Only if they are rolling on the floor laughing with me.

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11 or 12 years ago, I told Greta n gretawire bloggers that Barry O is/was a Trojan Horse for the Muslim brotherhood when he was still a Sen. and that he would bring ruin to our country.
Barry O was the worst we’ve every seen the likes of from our beginning…(FACT)
Pres. Trump has done more for the Black people in 2 yrs than Barry o did in 8(FACT), and Mr Trump has been the best president for the black people since Lincoln(FACT).
Mr. Trump plays chess while the Democrats try to figure out how to play checkers.(FACT)

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Or, we can say Trump won the popular vote in far more states than did Clinton.

But the point is that he WON against all the odds and all the money and all the support that Clinton had and she was the candidate of Obama - virtually hand-picked and highly endorsed by him and his wife.

The election was as much of a referendum on Obama as could be, given that he wasn’t running.


Where did I say “everyone” wanted Trump???

I said that not everyone was fine with what Obama had done, and that was manifest in the huge votes against his prefered candidate.

Enough votes for Trump to handily beat her, 304 to 227 electoral college votes.

And here is the thing: He easily beat her in the popular vote in the most states and that is how we elect presidents - not by who gets the most votes in California, where she got her 3 million and then some edge on a national popular vote.

National popular vote doesn’t mean squat, in a presidential election, as you well know.

If you want to claim she was more popular in California, I’m fine with that. But he was elected president, and of all fifty states - not her.


304 to 227



That it was not. If Obama had run he would have been elected to a third term.

That was an election about Hillary and Donald. Hillary’s high negatives caught up with her.

And now The Donald’s are catching up with him.

You simply have no way of knowing that Obama would have been rewarded with another term or that his policies were not on trial in the election.

What we had was his hand-picked successor - someone who was actually a PART of shaping his presidency for years and someone who carried out his policies and spoke well of them.

For you to claim that her defeat in no way redouned to him is silly.

As I said, the only way we can measure the popularity of his policies after 8 years was to see how much people wanted them continued. They voted for a complete and radical change in direction. Whatever else that was that was also a referendum on Obama’s presidency, and the only one we can point to as an ACTUAL vote - not someone’s poll or someone’s suppositions.


No need to go through that post point-by-point since it’s all pile of bull ■■■■■ ODS alive and strong.

Look, we get it, he wasn’t your kind of guy form day one. His kind never will be…Hawaiian.

Oh, I’m sorry.

I guess when people tell me how wrong I am to make a statement regarding the question of the thread, I shouldn’t tell them why I’m right.

My bad.


Well, not wen you’re repeating the same ■■■■ you’ve been shoveling for years and then using identical non sequiturs again and again.

You’re bad logic and alterative facts are just too tiring.

Then don’t engage me.

When you DO, I get this feeling that I’m entitled to refute you.

I’m funny that way.


I’d already answered that crap, you think repeating it makes it more true. It doesn’t.