Obama Scraps Missile defense in Poland for Putin

The deep state swamp is not real Americans… kinda like zombies now.

Obama is cool…

And that drives the trumpflakes into a pathetic rage…

Deep state is a nebulous creation. It makes it easier to blame some vague conspiracy to undermine America than to come out and say out right. That some part of the American system are broken.

Yes. Agreed.

“Deep state” is shorthand for that breakdown.

That’s racist.

And the deflections just keep on rolling.

It could be. Right now it’s short hand for everything that those who use the term don’t agree with. Again it’s too vague. You can blame anything on deep state. It sounds a lot like the Obama meme from a few years ago

Pretty good considering the biggest media freak out yet… With Fox Never Trumpers attacking too.

Well… I will continue to use the phrase.

If that renders my posts so vague and nebulous to you as to make them incomprehensible, then I will just have to face up to the loss of your insightful responses.

Deep state
Deep state
Deep state
Deep state
Deep state
Deep state
Deep state
Deep state
Deep state
Deep state
Deep state
Deep state

I’ve always found it fascinating when people create win-win scenarios for every situation. If Trump’s numbers are bad they’re actually good because of all the news reports about him he should be lower. And when they’re good they’re good because look how good they are. So there isn’t actually a scenario where his poll numbers are actually bad. And there are a whole bunch of these that you see. Border crossing apprehensions: If we apprehend a lot of people crossing the border it’s good because look how tough Trump is about the border. If border apprehensions are down it’s good because Trump’s policies are scaring people from trying to cross the border. There’s never a scenario where it’s not good for Trump. There are a million of these.

In June of 2010, then-President Obama had a 41% low approval rating, with Rasmussen polling showing his disapproval ranging from 54-57%… Trump is Cool

Yeah pretty good would be a way I’d try to dress it up

Cute. But it makes your argument weaker. Clinton free = deep state; Obama’s admin not under indictment = deep state; Seth rich killer not caught = deep state.

Can do this all day.

Yeah totally the same. Trump was at 34 at one point with Rasmussen. And?

Point being? Rasmussen has always been more friendly toward Republicans than Democrats. And at this moment in time in Obama’s first term he was more popular than Trump according to Rasmussen and way more popular according to RCP(which is really the one you want to go with). Obama had a positive approval rating at this point. Trump is down 10 points. But they’re also very different times.

Cause and effect.


But you have no proof for the cause just some vagueness. And when confronted with the fact that Trump can order all of these done forthwith, you guys just vanish.

Regardless, you guys have created a bogeyman and it makes it easier for you to win arguments because you are requiring your opponents to prove the negative. “Prove the deep state does not exist and isn’t the cause of the effect. Go ahead I dare ya”.

To his credit Trump did not do that. It may come to that but to have done that right away is a real banana republic act (or Muslim brotherhood, if you prefer)

He is not exactly the picture of restraint

The whole “deep state” is getting about as old as “fake news”. In the last couple of days we are finally seeing Republicans on the hill realize that they just can’t continue to shrug off Trump’s words and actions. The public outcry of why he is acting this way towards Russia is starting to have an effect. And yet the Trump supporters do not at all seem uncomfortable with him getting so cozy with Putin.
I believe that it will not be long until the truth is exposed. And then the real fun starts when we see that the Emperor has now cloths.