Obama rips trump in his first stump speech

He was far from weak. You must have been watching some other speech.

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I think it sometimes.

Hell I probably would be an Eisenhower or Nixon (minus all corruption and the gin and anti Semitism) Republican if that dangerous radical Ronald Reagan hasn’t hijacked the party and turned it into what it is today.

The difference between then and now is social media has all the receipts. In 2009, a Republican could just lie about their position suddenly switching and unless they were on the Meet the Press no one would even call them on it. That’s not possible anymore.


Our rating: True

We rate this claim TRUE because it is supported by our research. There is no indication that the Obama administration took significant steps to replenish the supply of N95 masks in the Strategic National Stockpile after it was depleted from repeated crises. Calls for action came from experts at the time concerned for the country’s ability to respond to future serious pandemics. Such recommendations were, for whatever reason, not heeded.

All you guys do is crow about how you’re going to destroy liberals and how it’s a mental illness and pure evil. . .until Republican electoral fortunes turn sour, at which point you start crying how liberals aren’t nice enough to you.


We started talking about ventilators and then you post a article about N95 masks???


Obama knew Biden was flawed and corrupt which is why the Dems chose Clinton in 2016.

Losing again here in 2020 will be another bitter pill for Obama to swallow…


Obama drew maybe 300 cars in Philly, pretty pathetic how very few even showed up for the former President.

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So she was at a campaign event for Trump?

Worth bookmarking

Horse muffins

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You never know what’s going to stick to the wall before you throw it.

Trump was in he first presidential candidate to promise to drain the DC swamp. That was bound to create a new precedent of strong antipathy from DC swamp creatures, both present and retired, and the anti-swamp candidate. And should he follow through on the promise, that antipathy would increase exponentially over time as the flushing threatened to expose the ethical lapses of predecessors.

You think that will happen with Trump? :rofl:

hows that swamp draining going? :joy: :joy: :joy:

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That is a really small turnout for Obama.

Surprising since he hasn’t been out in public since 2016. He used to draw crowds.

He had to use the same suckers and losers lie.

It was broadcast on television; so the number of people who watched would be be far higher than 300.


Women used to literally faint when attending Obama speeches.

Now he only gets 1/3 capacity.

If Trump wins and Durham continues his investigation, it will stop on Obama’s doorstep and he’s well aware of that. This man is fighting for his political life.

True. If Biden is elected, all of the investigations stop.

But the people know now.

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