Obama rips into Trump in leaked private phone convseration

this thing has written all over it the one name you don’t see… Valerie Jarret.

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I read this yesterday…thought it was pretty interesting.

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he knew. he was briefed as early as sep 2016 before the election when they had zero, zip, zilch on flynn. he authorized the continuance of the “investigation”.

he fired flynn
he authorized “investigation” of flynn
he personally warned Trump not to hire flynn

begs the question, why’s he so obsessed with flynn?


When he said to all of those on the phone call, “and I hope you all are with me on this?”, it was obvious what he was ACTUALLY saying? If I go down, you all are going down to so let’s stop this thing.

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i read it as a call for any allies he may still have in government to double down on fake news “leaks”

…and you’re a nicer person than I. :sunglasses:

Here is my transcription of what Obama said-

“The… The degree to which… uh… the news… uh… over the last 24 hours, I think, has been somewhat downplayed about… uh… the justice department dropping… uh… charges against Michael Flynn. And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for… uh… someone who’s been charged with perjury… uh… just gettin’ off scot-free. Uh… That’s the kind of stuff where you… you begin to… uh… get worried that basic, not just institutional norms, but… uh… our basic understanding of… of rule of law… uh… is… is… is… uh… is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions… umm… it can accelerate pretty quickly… uh… as we’ve seen in… in other places. So, I… I am hoping that all of you feel the same sense of urgency that I do. I… You know, I… whenever I campaigned, I’ve always said…ah… This is the most important election, especially, obviously, when I was on the ballot. That always feels like the most important election. This one I’m not on the ballot, but I am… I am… uh… pretty darn invested. We gotta… We gotta make this happen.”


There is two things I liked about Bush jr the first I forgot the second he kept his mouth shut the whole 8 years while Obama was president as Obama’s administration blamed his administration of everything. Still he just kept quiet.


I think Barry’s “private conversation” that managed to get “leaked” pretty much sums up the entire 8 years he occupied the WH.


Have you ever noticed that nothing harmful to democrats is ever leaked? Gee, I wonder who the leakers are.


You left out the part where Obama falsely accused Flynn of getting a way with perjury.

nope, no narcissism there.

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The world record for most uses of the word “I” set by Barack Hussein Obama. Several times.

The DOJ wouldn’t tell us if he is. How do you know he isn’t?

I can’t figure why an innocent lawyer would need to hire lawyers to represent him/her. I’m not a lawyer, but if I were charged falsely and innocent, I think I would defend myself.

That’s a funny OP title. Kinda like “Jelly rips into Sherman tank.” Or, “Limp wrist KO’s Mike Tyson”. Unbelievable.

Should say, “Obama flailing over Flynn’s vindication.”

Or, “Obama simpers from safe space as Flynn flies free.”

The White House is running this.

POTUS wants to know everything we’re doing.

The Federalist has article out where James Clapper lied to congress whether he briefed Obama.

You have James Comey and Andrew McCabe, contradicting Clapper claim.

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You know, there is another possible explanation of all of this bad Trump stuff.

Maybe… just maybe… he’s not who the media has led you to believe he is.

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