Obama”No serious person out there believes you can rig an election...”

I don’t care who you are. I’m always going call that out as wrong.

Nope, I do it sometimes, if you reheat your pizza in the microwave, the pointy end can be kind of limp and drippy, I’ll usually grab a knife and fork to eat that part until it cools down enough to pick it up. So it’s not always wrong.

You can taco it. Or even fold the limpy part back into the pizza.

I think i saw something about how you can keep the crust more crispy in the microwave, but I didn’t mentally store than knowledge.

There are videos of these Black Panthers at the polling place. As soon as people approached, they moved towards them with their clubs in hand, pumping the clubs up and down in a menacing manner.

This was nothing but pure intimidation on their part. It’s not even arguable.

“Security” patrols stationed at polling places in Philly

It’s too hot to pick up, so, I use a fork and knife, until it isn’t.

You also want to use a fork and knife for pizza in Europe, at least the parts I have been to. I noticed the locals in Italy were a few weeks ago.

I’ll do my best to forgive you. I’m a pretty non-judgemental, or I try to be, so the issue of pizza fork eating shouldn’t be the issue that puts me over the top.

I’m an American. I’ll eat my pizza how I want to. Do you think I care what those Europeans think?

That’s better than Trump telling the world he believes Putin more than the US intelligence agencies.

Well, you did say it was always wrong. Just pointing out, it isn’t.

You’re an American. My opinion of how you eat your pizza should be irrelevant to you.

And dems have no serious person left in the party…lol!

Did you see the “moderate” Obama endorsing the universal wage the other day?

He’s the dave coulier of American presidents.

Yes, then bragging about how rich he is… Won’t give it away though…

yeah look at all those people running for their lives

It was never an act of criminal voter intimidation.

Two rednecks standing outside the 10 foot designated distance from a Pennsylvania polling station door could be carrying shotguns as long as they were not directly threatening any voters or violating any gun regulations.

Here where I live those two would have to been at least 100 feet from any entrance to the Polling station.

Eric Holder did not decide what they were doing was OK.

An injunction against Shamir Shabazz, the one with the baton, was pursued by the DoJ and won. Charges were dropped against the other idiot. Shamir was removed from the NBPP.

A Justice spokesman said the department decided to take this action after winning an injunction earlier this month against a third member, Samir Shabazz, that prevents him from ever brandishing a weapon outside a polling place again as he was charged with doing last November.
Justice Department drops charges in voter intimidation case – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

I love a good deflection thread! LOL!

What video are you watching? The one you linked does not show what you have described. Shamir only approached the man taping him. Shamir did not menace him or anyone else with his club. The man taping him said it looked a little “intimidating”. He didn’t tape any actual intimidation.