NYC's Democrat Leadership will allow foreign nationals to vote in city elections

Who can? The foreign nationals who are voting?


And why does the same principal not work for state and local elections? Are you saying the investment made to become a naturalized citizen does not produce a more astute and educated local voter?


The liberty to succeed or fail at oneā€™s own hand is a PROGRESSIVE`S nightmare and not the American Dream

As an NYC taxpayerā€¦ I have no problem with legal non citizens voting in local elections.


Hell, being a US Citizen didnā€™t produce more astute and educated voters.

Thatā€™s how we ended up with Trump** and Biden in the Oval Office sequentially.


Youā€™re assuming everyone living in a home in NYC owns their home? They donā€™t. In addition, workers in NYC pay City Income Tax (and sales tax).

Well, isnā€™t that special? Your projection and Trump Derangement Syndrome is very telling.


It is absolutely shameful that those in our mainstream media and Hollywood crowd, having achieved fame, fortune and great success under a free market, free enterprise system, now work to destroy that system and impose a notoriously evil, Cuban style government, on Americaā€™s future generations.

Nope. If 10 people live in that home, what does their vote count for if the owner of that home votes differently?

The fact that I think Trump** was a major mistake for my party isnā€™t news to anyone around here.


But of course locally there is, there is no electoral college for mayor of New York.

Most votes gets to run the show.


Personally, I see no problem with someone who is here legally and in the process of becoming naturalized from voting locally. We have accepted them for that purpose eventually. Here illegally?ā€¦you are an interloper here until the law is enforced to remove you with no more right to vote than a tourist.

Itā€™s pretty fascinating.

Itā€™s basically getting a piece of an interesting foreign culture (various Chinese cultures) without having to go overseas and deal with CCP. First time in my life I ever ate real Chinese food.

Itā€™s basically like a miniature version of what I imagine Shanghai or Beijing is like. Fast paced, street cooking, electronic stores up and down every street. People doing martial arts shows and playing traditional Chinese music.

Iā€™m really glad I got a chance to experience it.

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And you have no problem with NYC voters having no say in this profound and radical decision, which was made without the peopleā€™s consent?


It is absolutely shameful that those in our mainstream media and Hollywood crowd, having achieved fame, fortune and great success under a free market, free enterprise system, now work to destroy that system and impose a notoriously evil, Cuban style government, on Americaā€™s future generations.

But it does give a clear insight into your irrational thinking.


President Trump was spot on when he indicated the Democrat Party Leadershipā€™s open border policy is a Trojan horse, and intended to destroy the United States from within.

Your major mistake was voting for your parties candidate jbiden**.

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Iā€™d love to experience it.

Should it be cancelled?

Absolutely not.

It would be like canceling Friday and Saturday night on the Rue Bourbon in New Orleans.

The city would lose a piece of its soul.

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Each locality should have the freedom to decide it for themselves. I would think a small government conservative would welcome this. U.S. = federal, this is where itā€™s relevant.

What exactly is the harm of letting legal residents who participate in life of a city vote on local issues relevant to them ?

#1 Iā€™m not a democrat, I was a loyal GOP voter for 40 years until my party went off the deep end. This year I voted for Governor Younkin (R) in Virginia. Weā€™ll see if he goes off the deep end or if the split General Assembly will keep him in check.

#2 The " * * " is one asterisk per impeachment so itā€™s Trump** (he was impeached twice) and for Biden - itā€™s well just ā€œBidenā€ as he hasnā€™t been impeached yet. Hey but donā€™t give up hope, the GOP will have the House after 2022 and will impeach Biden for something.


I agree. Iā€™d like to experience it.

So, the cancel culture is discriminate?

Iā€™m trying to figure out what you are getting at. But want does cancel culture have to do with Chinatown? Or foreign nationals who are residents voting in local elections?