NYC voters tell Jamaal Bowman, you're fired, after AOC goes psycho at rally


Well, the results are in, and Jamaal is fired.

SeeL Jamaal Bowman is ousted in most expensive House primary ever

NEW YORK — Rep. Jamaal Bowman was trounced in a suburban New York race that became a referendum on progressives’ attitudes toward Israel and the most expensive House primary in U.S. history.

Hopefully AOC is the next to get fired.


AOC and her hate America crowd have turned New York City into a crime, rat, garbage and terrorist infested ■■■■ hole.


This is great for the Democratic Party. I bet Hakeem Jeffries is quietly celebrating tonight. Hopefully Cori Bush is next.


This is excellent news.



America is in general better off without the unhinged idiots in the squad.

Bye bye Jamaal.


Jamaal Bowman becomes first member of the ‘Squad’ to lose 2024 primary as Democrats divide over Israel

Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., became the first member of the progressive group of House lawmakers known as “the squad” to lose a primary challenge in the 2024 cycle on Tuesday night, after suffering a bruising defeat to a more moderate Democratic candidate in his Bronx-area district.

The loudmouth punk got trounced.


When violent hate America demonstrations occur in the U.S. (as they now are) and terrorist attacks begin on American soil, let us not forget it was the current Democrat Party Leadership who encouraged and invited millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, and un-vetted terrorist foreign nationals, into our country’s inner cities.

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But at least one other member of the tight-knit group faces a difficult race ahead this year in which AIPAC’s donations could play a role.

Second-term progressive Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., will face St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell in a primary on Aug. 6. AIPAC has donated more than $630,000 to Bell’s campaign. The limited polling available in the race showed Bell with a 20-point lead over Bush ahead of the Missouri election.


Democrats kick Jamal to the curb. GOP double down on boebert, Gaetz and MTG. Tell me again how both parties are the same.


I don’t recall Boebert, Gaetz and MTG ever supporting the murdering of Jews. What point were you trying to project?


Mtg is a literal 9/11 truther, whackadoolde who blamed Jewish space lazers as causes for wildfire… palleds around with nick fuentes and had white nationalist on her payroll… You don’t have to defend her

Gaetz and boebert have their entire issues of scumbaggery and yet GOP vote them back in… Jamal said stupid things, did stupid things and is fire by dems It’s a straightforward point. Suprise you can’t see it

I’m not the one projecting. And NYC voters have spoken . . . Jamaal Bowman, we are sick and tired of you big fat mouth.

You’re Fired. Get outa here!


Yes…that IS what Dem voters have done…unlike mtg. No projection but there is comparison to be made

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I get the impression Marjorie Taylor Greene lives in your head rent free, and that’s why you found it necessary to project.


Sure you do, is it really so curious to compare 2 scumbagy Congress people ? If you want I could have used Gosar as an example, another who enjoys a good old afpac anti semistm party…

Sidenote - in defense of polling - a somewhat maligned practice of late.

Last two polls taken months apart (I think March and June) both had Bowman losing by 17%.

And as of this minute, with 84% of the vote in, Bowman is losing by almost exactly 17% ( 58.4 - 41.6 )


My goodness. Bowman loosing really seems to have un-hinged you. Calm down. Have a beer.


Bush….those two Jew hating —-itches from Minnesota and Michigan…

America would be better off with that trash not in Congress.


That’s an odd take O-o… How do I seem “unhinged” when I specifically called the dude a scumbag,?



MTG isn’t the topic.