NYC voters tell Jamaal Bowman, you're fired, after AOC goes psycho at rally

radical dem v moderate dem in a moderate democratic district.

it was easy to see the difference between the two.


I will raise you Santos vrs Henry Cuellar and Menendez


Jamal didn’t just lose.

He wasted the most money ever by losing the primary.

Was hamas funneling him some dough? Whomever it was…good. Lousy investment.

Fire alarms are safe again.



Not sure he spent that much. Most of the money was from AIPAC against him.

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Anybody else “enjoy” that crazy SCREECHING from AOC?? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


She dumped him after that.

The BB story says she blew off a second rally and the results watch party.


hopefully the rest of the squad will follow suit

Well, your first response was a whataboutism, indicating you’ve been triggered . . . get outa here.


but, but! The MTG, and Global Warming!!

Look at those loony lib fits being thrown now that they saw their masters acting like children. :rofl:


Would be nice to see the rest of the squad nutjobs voted out.


How many years has your party been sending the wackadoodle Maxine Waters back to the hill? I think she has served 17 terms and will be sent back for another two years in November. She is the one out there saying trump supporters are terrorist and should be investigated. She is also the one who called for violence against all GOP members.


And continues to threaten violence. Total silence from Democrats.


I wonder if the fire alarm incident hurt him more than the rhetoric. That was fairly embarrassing coverage there for about a week.


Combination with antisemitism was a KO punch.


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Well, we all know, the authoritarian revolutionaries which now control the leadership of the Democrat Party, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.


When violent hate America demonstrations occur in the U.S. (as they now are) and terrorist attacks begin on American soil, let us not forget it was the current Democrat Party Leadership who encouraged and invited millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, and un-vetted terrorist foreign nationals, into our country’s inner cities.

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Well let’s see, AOC won her primary and is heavily favored to win in Nov. the district is heavily Democrat. Even though residents claim Sandy Cortez is “never around and off trying to make herself famous”, the dumbasses will vote for her anyway. Looks as if that district and seat in Congress will be stuck with that skank until 2027.
Cori Bush’s primary is Aug 6th Bush is a racist that recently claimed she laid hands on someone and healed them. There are three challengers for that House seat. Bush is strange and won’t debate challengers.

Ilhan Omar’s primary is Aug 13th. She is another Jew hating anti-semite. Her district is in an area of Minneapolis nearly completely destroyed by riots in 2020. It resembles her hometown of Mogadishu Somalia. The Somalian population in her district will probably re-elect her but there are some serious challengers

Finally, the biggest fake, phony, fraud and Jew hating anti-Semite of them all none other than Rashida Tlaib. The best Congressional friend Ham-ass & Hezbolla have. Tlaib’s constituency in Dearbornistan will surely insure any re-election. Hell, Tlaib managed to raise a couple of million bucks after being censured by the House over inflammatory ant-Semitic Jew hafting rhetoric at rallies of those who support terrorist’s and the destruction of the Israeli state!The primary is early August. two Dims and four Republicans are running for the seat. I’m thinking this is another House seat getting locked up by that scum.


It hurt him more than openly supporting Hamas. Progressive values.

What do you base this on? AIPAC spent an unprecedented amount of money to unseat Bowman, and it had nothing to do with the fire alarm.

He was down by 17 back in March before AIPAC ever spent a dime though.

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Mmkay, fire marshal Bowman’s stunt may not have cost him the primary but his racism, squad wannabe mentality and oh, he was outspoken about importing tens of thousands of Palestinians into the US.
Bowman is an ■■■■■■■ and that likely got him the sack.

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