NY to file charges against Trump Organization for Election Fraud?

Ahh, the ole Delay tactic. And if a GJ does not give you the go ahead, just keep shopping till you get one that does. I smell a major lawsuit at the end of this ■■■■■■ road.

You’re confused. It was trump that reported his hush money payoffs to Daniels as legal expenses when it was not. Cohen didn’t do legal work for Trump, he was his fixer.

Misrepresenting the payoff as legal expense was necessary to keep it hidden. It was intentional, and therefore illegal, violation.


You are confused. I was referring to Hillary and the DNC doing exactly what the same thing as is being charged. When you pay someone to create an unsupported dossier for political purposes and report it to the FEC as a legal expense, you are committing fraud. Yet no charges are being brought here, no investigation.

I doubt anyone would be surprised if he flipped on either of his sons.

What’s the holdup? Republicans have been in charge for almost 2 years now.

In charge? Any time Trump makes a suggestion of having the DOJ do anything he is accused of obstruction of justice.

Fat donald is the victim. Lol!

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Huh? How would starting a separate case into someone else be construed as obstruction of justice in the Mueller investigation when the 2 would not be related? Pathetic dodge

Glad to see your support for the idea, then. Write your congressperson.

Why would I do that, Congress doesn’t run the DOJ. Any investigation into Hillary has to be initiated by the people working for Trump. Also my rep is Duncan Hunter and he’s currently too busy trying to stay out of jail and throwing his wife under the bus to be concerned with anything else…

You mean Minority Leader…

It’s not remotely the same thing.

Sorry, but it’s not. I know you are voted to the ■■■■■■■■ notion of false equicillency that the radio keeps preaching to you. But these two cases are not at all similar.

You’re missing a major part of the picture.

Clinton’s campaign paid for opposition research - an entirely legitimate campaign expense - through their law firm, which is standard operating procedure for campaigns.

Trump personally paid his lawyer back for illegal payoffs to silence women, and hid it as legal fees. It’s not “exactly the same thing”.

No, not exactly the same thing. In the misrepresentation of the dossier as “legal fees” the intent is obvious. The DNC and Hillary hid for over a year that they were behind the notorious dossier. Misrepresenting their expenses for that dossier as “legal expenses” was an obvious part of keeping their actions hidden. Far worse than the other case.

Someone should start an investigation about this.

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Nope. You are believing lies told to create a false equivalency. Sorry, but that’s jus the plain truth.

Just remember that Trump used his own money and not campaign funds. That is an important difference don’t you think? And your characterization of the payments as “illegal payoffs” is disingenuous because every credible legal scholar I’ve seen so far says the payments did not violate the letter, intent or purpose of any campaign finance laws.

From the FEC:

" Personal gifts and loans

If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office,” the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly. Instead, the gift or loan is considered a contribution from the donor to the campaign, subject to the per-election limit and reportable by the campaign. This is true even if the candidate uses the funds for personal living expenses while campaigning."

Actually Cohen obtains a loan, which he then used to finance Essential Consultants, LLC’s payment to Daniels. So the original money came from Cohan, not Trump.

This financing occurred prior to the election. Trump/Trump Org paid Cohen back after the election.

Therefore Cohen loaned the candidate $130,000 to pay the porn star just days before the story was to break in an attempt to keep the information form the American public and therefore influence the election.


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I bet Rush/Fox make the Clinton stuff look way worse.

Sessions can’ spot a crime? And yes, the Republicans have been in charge for almost 2 years now.