NY to file charges against Trump Organization for Election Fraud?

Executive 1 and Executive 2 look like they are in real trouble. I think they will flip on Trump and prove he approved the payments.

Fantasy, lead democrats aren’t even talking impeachment, they’ve obviously concluded it to their advantage to have Trump right where he is. And Republicans aren’t going to do it with his approval holding up at close to 90% with republican voters.

Here’s the biggie shoe to drop.

Allan Weisenberg, Trump Org’s CFO, has been granted immunity in the election fraud investigation.

This is huge because Weiselberg has literally been attached to Trump since the 70’s. s one person has said…he knows where the bodies are buried.

There is again only one reason to grant someone like this immunity- to bolster a case against Trump himself.


He’s not naming Pelosi VP. :smile:

But part of that is a campaign strategy for the midterms. The calculation is that ginning up impeachment prospects would further motivate the GOP/Rightwing base, so they’re downplaying it. Depending on the outcome of the elections and the way things are developing for Trump, that calculation could change quickly.

TO ALL YOU TRUMP HATERS OUT THERE, PLEASE GO EDUCATE YOURSELVES!!! hindsight, what kind of cluster did Cohen unleash? Are you aware of any other similar clusters? …like Obama’s cluster of campaign fund violations? I hope the clueless Manhattan DA would pursue charges so to confirm the depth of his ignorance!!

Will Trump filp on his kids? Hmm, I could see the family making Eric be the fall guy…


Pin it on the dumbest sibling. Lol!

You betcha he will try. He doesn’t give a ■■■■ about anyone but himself. Narcissis my name is Trump.

The hits are coming so fast, it’s hard to keep up…

I think I am going to invest in some Orville Redenbacher stock though…:rofl:

i can’t even keep up with reading all these posts. crazy times.

“The Times reported that the Trump Organization filed its reimbursement to Cohen for the Daniels payment as a legal expense. Federal prosecutors have also claimed that the reimbursements came [in the form of sham legal invoices
Cohen [told a judge this week that the payment was made with the intent of buying Daniels’s silence.”

Ummmm…The Hillary campaign filed the payment for the Steele dossier as a “legal expense”.

Lock her up then.

Yes. The Hillary campaign reported it as an expense. Like legitimate campaigns do.

The Trump campaign did not, but the Trump organization did report it as an expense.

See the difference? One campaign reports expenditures related to influencing the election. The other doees not. Indeed, it gets reported as an expense by the company.

This is hilarious watching the clown show efforts.

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They reported it fraudulently as a legal expense when it was not. And t was no mistake. They kept it hidden for over a year that they were behind the dossier. Misrepresenting the expense as a legal expense was necessary in order to keep it hidden.
It was an intentional, and therefore illegal, violation.

Well, the Trump DOJ is certainly free to file charges any time they wish.

When do you think Rosenstien will do that, because Sessions has recused himself from anything related to Hillary?
Rosenstien is about getting Trump, not Hillary.
And we all know what would happen if Trump tried to dump Sessions.

That’s an internal management decision within the Trump DOJ. I wouldn’t presume to tell them how to do their jobs as I am not in the management of that organization. I’ll leave that to the experts.

Bought a year’s supply at Costco.

Fine, the DOJ should file criminal charges against Hillary for America, just like the Trump Org.