NY Post: Rape Surges 11% in NYC . .

The Big Apple has seen an alarming 11% jump in rapes this year — with some sections of the city seeing their numbers more than double.

There were 880 rapes reported citywide from Jan. 1 through July 14, compared to 796 in the same period last year, NYPD stats reveal.

I guess NY prosecutors were distracted by something more important.


All in line with the Democrats vision for America! There’s plenty of murders, rapists, criminals, gang members all over the world who would love to come to America! And every Democrat would be more than happy to welcome them to communities all over the USA!


This is what NYC voters wanted, so it’s not really a national story. New York is far more likely to charge anyone who protects a woman than the actual rapist.


Alvin Bragg will drop all the charges because that fat ■■■■ is to lazy to do his job

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Which ones? There are five of them.

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These threads continue to deliver.

The NYPD budget is over $10 billion.

It is not depleted.

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I’d be interested to know how 2024 stats compare historically. Saying something is 11% more than last year could be less meaningful when compared to longer trends.

Larger trends is that crime continues to go down overall with some statistical spikes in certain crimes.

A worthy sacrifice for a leftist agenda. Look at them deflect and excuse away.



True, long-term trends are interesting,
but the suddeness of change seems to require little context.

Ex “In one year we reverted back to where we were in the 1950s” would not mean “Oh well, nothing happened. Things just mysteriously and inexplicably shot up to a level unseen in years. No reason. Nothing happened. Nothing to see here folks.”

So what if a few hundred more women get raped? The numbers will go back down eventually.

What’s important is housing illegal immigrants and releasing criminals onto the streets. :man_shrugging:


It looks like the incidence of reported rapes is on trend to be around 2022 levels.

We’re only a few posts away from a “this is why we needed more social workers” response.


But, But . . . Project 2025

The communist controlled Democrat Leadership has finally been outed and common-sense people are giving the finger to the Democrat Party!

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yep rapes are up 10.6% this year in NYC.

murders are down over 15%.

guess which one the rag called the post is trumpeting?


Venezuela has a rapey culrure.

Sample-size error.

but not murder.
