NY attorney general sues America's largest beef producer over methane emissions

It was a myth anyway.

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You will learn to love em.

Comply or else…:wink:

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I end up like that guy in Robocop with ED-209?

1 billion LESS pounds of beef this year compared to last year.

Let them eat crickets.

I can’t fathom a lib coming out to support this nonsense. But I’m sure that any moment now…

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There’s a reason we men all die younger than women.

Of course the thing that hurt my health was those damn fried pork chops.

Oh wait!
I forgot the other part!


I don’t understand this thread.

“The Better Business Bureau’s National Advertising Division (NAD) said in 2023 that JBS should stop claiming that it is committed to being “net zero by 2040.” While the company appeared to make a “significant preliminary investment” to cut its climate pollution, the NAD said there was no evidence that it was carrying out a plan to achieve its target. A review panel upheld the finding on appeal, saying JBS “is in the exploratory stage” of trying to meet its climate pledge.

U.S. lawmakers have also raised concerns about the company. Earlier this year, a bipartisan group of senators told the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Wall Street’s top regulator, that JBS has a history of “exaggerating environmental stewardship and downplaying other risks.”

New York state prosecutors are trying to force JBS to stop making “fraudulent and illegal” marketing claims about its climate efforts. The state is also seeking civil fines, among other penalties.“

It sounds like they want them to stop making false claims about their climate agenda, trying to bait people concerned about the climate into buying their product over others because of these claims.

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Those pork chops man. Every time I eat one I feel an artery closing up.

Why haven’t the people of NY run this nutjob out of the state yet? :thinking:

Serious question.

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Sounds like they’re trying to play the left’s game and Leticia ain’t having it.

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My recipe for “Po’ Chops O Chunky”:
4 Thick Cut Boneless Centercut pork chops
Sear each side
2 eggs
Italian or Pankow bread crumbs
Beat eggs in bowl
Dip both sides of pork chop in egg then bread crumbs
Fry in olive oil 15 mins/ side sprinkle excess crumbs on chops while frying
Serve with sauce and potato of choice (no ■■■■■■■ French fries) :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
And green vegetables of choice
Get back to me with critique

so no business is safe in NY after all….

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Good point! :+1:

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typical leftists abusing judicial/law enforcement for their political ends

the real fascists

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If they get their way they will destroy our Republic before it’s over.

Doesn’t look like it.
Looks like “Tish” gonna “get beef”now?

Filthy pirate eats red meat and drinks fine wine whenever she wants.

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Lib rules for thee but not for me again?

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