NY AG Files Lawsuit Against Trump Foundation; Charges of Self Dealing, Violatong Tax Law, Illegally Influencing Election

I love this one!

Eugene Gu, MD
Eugene Gu, MD
Replying to @realDonaldTrump
You seem to lose a lot of court cases. I’m only able to tweet here because you lost to me in federal court. Happy Birthday!


Well, it’s not illegal if the President’s Foundation does it.

Republicans everywhere will be defending fraud as showing true American ingenuity now.

Why did this so called billionaire have to take 258.000 out of his charity to settle legal problems?

What a fraud.

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When did that ever stop our frothing at the mouth liberals from posting their tripe here?

If you mean providing cover against the release of he IG report, you’re right.

Gritters gonna grift.

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Well, they admitted to self-dealing which is a massive no-no for a nonprofit.

Frothing? Laughing is more like it.

David Farenthold did a TON of research into the sham Trump Foundation over the last few years. He may have won an award for his reporting on it. Will have to check, but he uncovered lie after lie from the foundation, including obvious cases of self-dealing.


according to one email that the NY AG released in the days before the Iowa primary Corey Lewandowsk asked teh foundation to “make some disbursements this week while in Iowa.”

right after that the foundation wrote 5 100k checks

This is a 501c3 nonprofit, right?

He got a Pulitzer.

for sure .

Lol, The IG report doesn’t say what you hoped it would.

wow. unreal.


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Strange that what they are asking to be done to Trump and his kids are just slaps on the wrists:

The Attorney General initiated a special proceeding to dissolve the Trump Foundation under court supervision and obtain restitution of $2.8 million and additional penalties. The AG’s lawsuit also seeks a ban from future service as a director of a New York not-for-profit of 10 years for Mr. Trump and one year for each of the Foundation’s other board members, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump.

Doesn’t seem really harsh does it?


These ■■■■■■■ idiots.

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Yes, the legal system was setup by people like Trump to be very light on the upper class