Nurse's tweets in response to Trump's infanticide lies go viral

I can understand that Trump supporters that simply take what he says as fact. It’s very disappointing, but it is just a sad realization of current political climate.

Trump himself, is a different story. He should know the facts on this issue that he is using to get an emotional response from his base. If he doesn’t, shame on him. If he does and he’s creating a sick and vile narrative just to get an emotional response from his base… well it just shows what a vile human being he is.

All of you Trump supporters who are trying to defend Trump for his words… you have the information at your disposal to understand the facts. Don’t bury your head in the sand and continue to support these vile and despicable actions by him.

Trump should be called out on this lie. This is one that should not be swept under the rug. If his supporters simply want to sit this one out, I wouldn’t blame them, but those that want to defend this, risk any chance of credibility.

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My Mother and Father had a baby boy before I was born who was born anencephalic.

They had to watch him die, they never got over it. They named me after him.

That you guys are twisting something that is so painful for parents into that they are committing homicide is unforgivable.

Maybe you’re simply not better than this, maybe this is all the compassion you’re capable of.

If so, I pity you.


The cruelty is the point.


How stupid and insensitive can this article and this nurse get it! :angry: A wanted baby that dies in childbirth is NOT what President Trump was talking about, he was talking about babies targeted for abortion who survive their attempted murder if this nurse is in fact on a “bereavement team” she knows the difference between a stillborn and an abortion! So dishonest and disgusting.

so do you support a complete ban on late term abortions?

No- the nurse got it right.

The situation Trump painted NEVER HAPPENS. There are already laws against it, and doctors would never participate in it.

Get off your high horse when you come wading in here and mouth off about subjects about which you know nothing.

It’s old and it’s tired.


and who didn’t vote at all.

That article say right there that Trump is lying.

No. They are not talking about stillborns or botched abortions. They are referring to babies born with conditions so horrific they will have only hours or days to live.

I live in Wisconsin. Front page article of Wisconsin State Journal interviewing pediatricians who say what Trump was saying NEVER HAPPENS AND WILL NEVER HAPPEN and they are sickened by his lies.

Dumpster Donnie is a sick disgusting puppy.


Just sad that we have a serial liar and total con job for president. Somebody really, really, really needs to bitch slap Fat Donald 10,000+ times - one for each lie that he has told.

This is better representation of how to bitch slap Fat Donald. Tinse and repeat 10,000 times and again for each lie that he tells going forward.

Trump thinks vaccines cause autism. I’ll take his opinion of medical procedures serious when he’ll freezes over. He’s lying on purpose. To gin up the anger of his base. They’re gullible and he knows it. He’s playing them.

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He loves the uneducated…
And they love him.


No, the nurse is talking about reality. Trump is talking about a disgusting distortion of reality. No where is it legal to let a viable infant die after birth, regardless of whether it was from a “botched abortion.”

Whoa there! Trump knows more than our military Generals, more than any of our brightest economists, and more than our experienced diplomats around the world. My assumption is that he knows more than a palliative care nurse, right?

Go read Julia’s tweet. It is heart-wrenching.

Governor Blackface is an idiot.
…and President Pinocchio is just keeping his base on “full boil”.

Read Julia’s tweet.

Yes, he was.

All this dishonesty is a real shame.

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But expected.