Nunes lets the cat out of the bag

Exactly…but libs will be libs.

The corrupt part is where Nunes decides that Congress is supposed to protect the president from the consequences of his actions.

Nunes also said that “if Sessions won’t unrecuse and Mueller won’t clear the president, we’re the only ones. Which is really the danger,” according to the audio.

Obviously he won’t say this in person. Just behind closed doors to the elites.

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Protect the president from Jackass…sure why not. Reid and Pelosi did for Obama.

That’s pretty much the crux. All the other nonsense in this thread is willful obfuscation from trumpers.

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Two tiered justice system Conan. One for Trump where he’s protected by a corrupt Congress and one for us where no one cares about you.

That’s what you support.

No one had to protect Obama. He wasn’t dumb enough to get himself in a mess like this president.

The excuse for not impeaching Rosenstein is also nonsense. It isn’t going to happen, not because of timing but because most of Congress thinks it’s an idiotic idea.

Sorry Wiley, but even Fox News admits this is what it was about. Even as they add their own spin to it and downplay the story.

Nunes mocks furor over 'secret tape' comments as 'left-wing media spin' | Fox News

On the tape, Nunes, R-Calif., suggests congressional Republicans must prevail in the midterms to protect Trump from the consequences of the Russia meddling probe.

“If Sessions won’t unrecuse and Mueller won’t clear the president, we’re the only ones, which is really the danger,” Nunes was recorded as saying.

He added: “We have to keep the majority. If we do not keep the majority, all of this goes away.”

Nunes didn’t say what was already known.

True he just made a definitive statement behind closed doors as to the willful participation in obstruction of justice by house Republicans.

Again if Trump is an innocent man, why try and derail an investigation?

Because libs are trying to frame him…and if they win the house their corrupts gets sweep under the rug.

There is so much wrong with your post I cant even…:joy:


I really hate it when corrupts get sweep under rug. Ug, yes I do!

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Yes. We know he’s been covering for Trump. The difference is he hasn’t admitted it before.


Which lib made Don Jr reply to an email from Russians stating they had dirt on Hilary? What lib made Trump dictate a letter that was a complete lie about said meeting?

He alongside the #4 ranking Republican in the house let the true reason for the attacks on our Justice system be known. To discredit and ultimately derail a legitimate investigation into Russia and Trumps campaign.

All of it to protect Donald Trump and swamp that is establishment Republicans.

It was never about oversight or any of the other crap excuses, if it was he would have said so but he didn’t.

In normal times this would be massive instead Trumpers shrug.

that’s pretty weak sauce, even for you.

Your Queen paid the Russian for dirt.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it lib.

You are really struggling with this one if that’s the best you got.

Should I smoke your imaginary facts with my imaginary pipe?

Someone should start an investigation into this.