Now We're Talking!


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

You were hoist on the petard of your own assumptions.


Crawfishing… tsk, tsk.

Get back in that motte!

Who changed the context?

Slick Willie, is that you?

No? Do you not defend the current context?

I read every post and responded after I saw your response to Conservative_frk about his take being partisan.


:rofl: I missed this earlier. I can think of very few things that humans suck at more than “predicting”.

You can if you want to, but you don’t need to explain yourself. It’s there for anybody to read.

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PRETTY sure many on here such as myself have been saying this for years. I would wager if you searched posts here you would find numerous posters saying EXACTLY this, or something very similar such as “why are we not trying to figure out what is causing these individuals to think this is the only solution”.

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Do they become violent? Or desperate?

The “Identifying Mass Shooters Act” was introduced by Rep. Kweisi Mfume, D-Md.,

Why stop there? How about we use social media to identify gang-bangers before they shoot up the hood on Saturday night? What do you suppose Mfume would think about that? :wink:

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