Now We're Talking!

Not saying that, just that it seems a bit of a joke to even write a law for something everybody knows they are already doing. But no, more laws are not good is a good philosophy for the most part.

The law is not about what they’re already doing, it’s about what’s next.

What I am saying is that they have already known. As a society, we need to decide whether these people are safe in society or not. If these people are threatening to kill people, we need to take them seriously.We do need to figure out the why.
I truly believe that children have been raised to not know how to handle disappointment and have not really faced consequences for their behavior. As such they grown into adults who can’t handle conflict and can not coexist with those that don’t agree with them. They believe that other people must accept them period. They believe that feelings are facts.

The more progressive this country becomes, the crazier it becomes.

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Your explanation is a partisan one and therefore not likely to be the whole truth.

It’s a myth that “LIB parents” don’t hold their kids accountable but “conservative parents” do, for one thing.

Your explanation?
And I never mentioned Libs or Conservatives.


You did…you said “the more progressive society gets, the crazier it is”. The unspoken idea is if we stop society from becoming “more progressive”, these types of things will stop.

I don’t have a simple explanation…the simplest explanations as well are not likely to be the truth.

I think that conservatives as well as Libs are part of this “progressive” society.

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Actually, I’ll continue. I think both sides have their fair share of men and women who are lazy parents, put their kids on meds instead of parenting them. I think both sides of the aisle have been guilty of raising children without fathers.
My children were raised in an era of fast everything. They had a million channels on TV to chose from. They have movies that are inappropriate for their age streaming into their homes and hands for that matter with little to no supervision to even explain to them what they are seeing. They have schools and the media telling them that their parents have no say as to how they are raised anyway.

I can see in my own children the effects of that.


I’d ammend that to say “no effective laws”. Even if the sheriffs in Orlando had invoked the red flag, it would have expired well before the shooting.

“Hold accountable” is meaningless. Accountability comes from within. “Hold responsible” would be the proper term.

The difference is relevant in this context, another relevant word.

One does not “change behavior”, that is an error in understanding of the psychology.

Context drives behavior, which is a lagging indicator. Change the context, the behavior will follow.

More “progressive” society gets. I disagree. “The more complex society is made” is how I would phrase it.

Adhering to fundamentals and principles and transparency are the only way to deal with complexity, so yes, simplest “explanations” (actions) are the truth.

This is a semantic nitpick, but thanks for playing.

Well this is certainly not true…not if you want to predict an outcome in a complex system.

Doesn’t this kind of control over the uneducated, unwashed simpletons kind of appeal to the leftists though? It’s easy to see where one could make that assumption.

If you want to participate in a conversation, you really ought to read the conversation first as opposed to jumping in with talking points.

But thank you for playing.

No, it is not. This is what I do for a living and I’m very good at it. Accountability is an act of clarity, not a weapon. The words you are using are a big part of the problem. As is attempting to force a behavioral change in the same context. It’s basically why programs fail.

Of course it does. It’s the Vanguard strategy. Not new.

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You’re doing it again.

I wasn’t doing anything of the kind.

I was responding to a claim by a poster.

:rofl: Horse ■■■■■