Now we're talking, $50/hour minimum wage!

Actually I think you’re on to something. A bunch of Chinese communist students went to school in France as well.

Maybe it’s just that lunatic fringe politics that permeated French colleges at the time. Because they created a bunch of mass murdering lunatics.

The French communists themselves would have been mass murdering lunatics had they been able to actually take power. Their whole problem with Vichy France and Petain wasn’t that he was oppressing and killing people. They were mad that he wasn’t killing the right kind of people.

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Some people who have never owned or run a business come up with some of the stupidest ideas because they have no cognizance of how the pieces of this economic puzzle all fit together. They call these people…politicians. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


You know what the difference between all those people and you are?

You’re going to experience what’s coming this decade. :wink:


The silencing of speech, the woke-ism in film and literature, the cancel culture, even the smashing of statues are all taken so directly, from Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” one must wonder, if only briefly, if it was orchestrated.


Yes, Mao Model.

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I don’t know if there is anywhere a UBI could work. But it certainly wouldn’t work in America. We have too many people who would happily stay in their parents basement playing video games and collecting free money from the government.

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How long has it been since 1929?

About 95 years, right?

Is this a trick question?

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Nah, just thinking about parallels.

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Well, Lincoln was killed in Ford’s Theater, owned by a man named Kennedy.
Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln convertible, built by Ford.

Both had a vice president named Johnson.

Lincoln’s Treasury Secretary was named Kennedy.
Kenney’s Treasury Secretary was named Lincoln.

Both were shot in the head, both from behind.
Both were seated next to their wives.

There are the same number of letters in . . .

(How’s that for parallels?)

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Yepp. We are all riding this plane into bankruptcy.


About 100 years on the dot since the last one at that. :wink:

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heck, when we move to digital currency, numbers will not matter… $1,000,000 for everyone!

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People talk about a UBI, but what would it be? What was ever proposed?

It’ll be whatever bare minimum your masters decide you need in order to keep serving their desires. :wink:


Whatever it will be we will all finally be equal. Equally miserable. But equal nonetheless.


It means ya get paid the same for doing nothing as for doing something.

It means government will determine who gets paid what, and who gets to keep what they have!

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And that always works out so well…

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Like during the pandemic when I was off for 4 months and being paid 100%? I loved that. I just don’t see it as being a viable business model.

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