Now we're talking, $50/hour minimum wage!

I am in the bay area, and my fridge does not do any of those things…most the people I know do not have them either…

I support UBI, for all those making under whatever the poverty level is in one’s state…

Then why the ■■■■ are y’all paying 1.5 million for houses with less interior space than my trailer I paid 13,000 for? Got to be something nice there.

As for a UBI, the theory is fascinating. But I firmly believe that people have to be productive in some sort of way. I don’t like paying people to do nothing. The welfare system tied to work ability is the way to go in my book. I’m of the opinion that most people (except for what Robespierre called the truly virtuous, but they’re usually too busy chopping off heads to do real work) are inherently lazy and some structure is needed for them to be productive.

If we’re really in that bad shape economically they need to pump the brakes on spending before it’s too late.


“minimum wage” is a horrible idea from the start

now you know why

It’s like Ron White once said.

“Baby I am riding this private jet straight into bankruptcy!!!”

That’s America in a nutshell.


I’ll try to lay down a bass line but chances are it’s gonna sound like total ass.

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I recorded the first time I ever tried to pick strings on a guitar. Talk about sounding like ass. :rofl:

That was dated 4-11-23, so less than 11 months ago.

I’m still not even a n00b IMO, but I can do some basic pentatonic hooks in most keys, and they don’t sound like complete ass anymore. lol

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Houses are very expensive, but there are a million things to do here, weather is not an issue, and many opportunities to get a good paying job. This is only in the heart of the bay area…go outside of it by 30+ miles,and prices are more reasonable…no where near 13k though~

Regarding UBI, it works.,…and helps those that truly need it, and assists those that don’t need it to survive, but allows them to enjoy life a little bit more.

But I know many have the same opinion as you…

Do some research on it…you may be surprised.

I’ve done a good bit of studying on UBI. It was promoted by a key American founding father, Thomas Paine, as a reward to the people who fought and won the revolution and their descendants. It’s also had a lot of theoretical development behind it. It’s very closely related to the socialist mode of production but it isn’t exclusively socialist at least in its theory. But some people consider it the ultimate expression of true communism if you’re going to keep money in society. Technically money should be done away with under communism because it is inherently exploitive and the trade of money for goods is inherently unequal. But then again, only two communist states ever did away with money. The USSR tried to during the Civil War under War Communism and then Pol Pot’s regime of lunatics in Cambodia.

But it does require one to accept that humans are inherently good and deserve it. You have to think like Rossou, who believed that man was inherently good and that it is institutions of man that corrupts him. That’s why I can’t support it. I feel that humans are inherently neutral. And that our very nature is of struggle. How we respond to struggle is what makes us good or bad.


Or better yet, no money. Just free housing, free food. Let the government handle it.


Well it’s basically the world Rossou predicted for us.

Somehow I feel a lot of heads would get chopped off to achieve it though.

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Nobody even does it. It’s never really been tried. Lots of theory has been thrown around it but no one has went whole hog and tried it.

Even those ultra progressive Europeans don’t do it. They tie their welfare system to the ability to work. One could argue they’re less strict than we are about it. But the average European only works about ten less hours per week than the average American. So they can’t just sit on their asses and draw some UBI program money. They have to work.

And hell we aren’t even the hardest workers in the world. The average South Korean and average Japanese person work way harder and way more hours than we do.

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Ok…you checked out the history…have you checked out any of the various studies or experiments?

BTW, Schiff is conducting a smart strategy of boosting Garvey, by running ads against him that will almost certainly cause his Trump supporters to turn out to vote. Of course, Garvey making the General Election race clinches the seat for Schiff.

You will own nothing and you better not complain if you know what’s good for you… will love it! :wink:


I dunno man Pol Pot’s lunacy was just that. Lunacy. I’ve always considered him history’s greatest lunatic. Basically Khmer Cambodia is what happens when you give a guy normally locked in a straight jacket complete control of an economy.

Chairman Mao would be in second place. Since the only time China’s economy actually shrunk was during the Great Leap Forward. Which was Mao’s lunatic idea put into practice.

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It’s got some promise. But I don’t think it would work all that well in the real world.


Pol Pot (and most of the Khmer Rouge, the Viet Cong etc.) went to French Universities as everyday exchange students and came out radicalized mega killers.

I am certainly not saying every college does that, t every student,
but that’s how bad it can actually get without people actually noticing.