Now it's personal. Build the damned wall!

Because if you make all Illegal Drugs legal, than
the statistics of health issues and deaths related to drugs in this
country will shoot way way up!

That makes no sense to do. Not unless you want drug addiction, and people to die.

Which is exactly why the liberals won’t support it. They have no interest in doing any of this.

They prefer to provide Sanctuary Cities to Illegal Immigrants who
Commit Crimes, such as gang members, drug lords, rapists, and murderers.

All they do is complain about the “human rights” violations that the invaders receive at the hands of evil ICE. The violent crimes committed by the invaders are white washed. They are truly shameless.

When they’re put into detention camps, they actually have it a lot better
off, compared to what they normally have it.
Free food, medical attention, warm place to sleep at night.

And Americans are funding all of it, because people like George Soros(a huge Liberal
donor, and a billionare) and the Democratic Politicians can’t get illegals and
refugees here quick enough!

They figure if they keep flooding the country with both, that sooner or later
the Republican Politicians won’t have a chance of hardly getting elected any more.
The funny thing is, that it’s been over 40+ years of open borders, and the Democrats
wanting illegals and refugees here, and easily over 40million combined over the years, and yet the Democratic Politicians still don’t control Politics in general.

They’re selling out their country for nothing. Because the Illegals and refugees come here, and a lot of them don’t believe in things like Abortion, and so they think
that the Left-Wing Radical Democrats are insane, and yes a lot vote Democrat,
but enough are still smart enough that they vote Republican also. lol. hahaha.