Now here's a plane ticket for illegals that Cons will gladly pay for!

Buh Bye scumbags!! Enjoy your stay in luxurious Cecot prison, courtesy of Donald Trump and the US tax payers. We hope you find El Salvador pleasant!

Finally, a President that cares enough to give the very best to the most deserving people. One of the best uses of tax dollars so far by any president in history! Of course, Libs object on principle. It is much more preferable to them that these violent pieces of human excrement get to stay in America where they can assault, rape and kill at will than to remove them from our country. And of course, leave it to a left wing, whack job Lib “judge” to attempt to keep these animals free in America to kill as many as possible, rather than have them rounded up and stopped.

I’d like to see Trump tell this judge directly to pound sand, but he’s playing nice and allowing Libs to undermine his constitutional authority and right, as they like to do, by trying to continue their unconstitutional lawfare against him. Hopefully, these rogue judges will be impeached and smacked down by the Supreme Court, which is what Trump is waiting for. In the meantime, let’s hope the great team Trump has put together continues to work together to at least continue taking these animals off the streets until they get the free vacation they so greatly deserve…


Interesting that the judicial branch became involved to keep these thugs here, but stayed out of it and considered it an executive decision when Biden let them in.


Rhetorical of course. :rofl:


And they still can’t figure out why they lost :thinking:. Keep pondering geniuses, you’re doing everything right!


I heard one on the radio saying Trump policies are wildly unpopular while dem policies are very popular. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah I somehow doubt you heard that. You obviously misheard.

This liberal is fighting to have them returned. The same judge who gave fisas to Peter Strzok on doctored evidence.


I think that Judge got a smack down when he ordered the plane returned and they basically told him to pound sand.

I don’t understand how these people can claim “due process” when they came here illegally and are citizens of a different country.

Maybe the judge would be willing to sponsor these “fine people” and let a few of them stay in his home while they apply for citizenship or a green card?


That explains a lot!

He needs to be impeached!

“My orders don’t seem to carry much weight,” Judge Boasberg said near the end of the hearing.

Yeah. You’re not God and the judicial activism is going to stop. This Judge is amongst the first of many who is going to have his ego checked.


I hear it’s not the policies. They need to improve their messaging. Mostly it’s the fault of the voters.


I heard last night there’s about 15 injunctions against Trump right now put on by these left wing pieces of crap. More in two months than Biden had in 4 years. That’s the lefts fall back plan. When Americans don’t want what you’re peddling, use the left wing courts to end run around the Constitution and the expressed will of the American people. I hope there’s a way to legitimately make an example of these nut job judges, but let it be done by the book because we all know how Libs just cherish and uphold the law!


Do you? Based on what? You feel there are zero 'tards among the femocrats?


I agree, but if the Supreme Court doesn’t get control of this, the courts may find there is more than one book.

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Due process has nothing to do with where you come from or how you get here.

Due process is about the US legal system.

I hope they keep thinking that.

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The slowness of the system is frustrating. Trump knew the Libs would do what they’re doing, and he wants the issues resolved for good in the SCOTUS, but while his agenda is put on hold, Americans continue to die. That’s the real victory we have to take from Libs.

Well they’re right, half the people in the country are essentially brain dead. They just can’t seem to grasp it’s them.

Obeying that judges demand and ordering a flight of criminal illegal alien thugs to be returned to the US would have been insane.

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J6 American citizens did not get their rights of due process, where were the judges for them?