Nova Scotia Mass Shooting

An argument against stricter gun laws is that it’s just the next step in a continuous progression. I believe that no matter the laws, someone will violate them. And then the next layer of restrictions will ensue. “Look to Canada! They don’t have as many shootings…” Yet here we are.

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And yet they don’t have as many shootings do they.

That’s not fair. Laws do not prevent crime, they define it. There is virtually no way that this law could have been enforced prior to the murders being committed.

It’s not a competition. And look it up.

Did they mention what type of weapon was used? I have not seen it yet. How do you restrict the weapon without describing it?

He did - “gun”

True. The first thing the American media demands is to know is “was is it an AR-15!” The Canadiens are behind the curve here.

They haven’t said what it was yet. I wonder why?

Here’s what is known about the shooter. Not quire sure what set him off.

22 confirmed dead not including the shooter.

one of the victim was his ex-gf so police are thinking domestic turn into random spree.

he would go to the door or pull over cars as a fake RCMP office then kill them unprovoked.

really there are zero changed to existing law that would have prevented this.

he passed a criminal background test,
he passed a fire arm safety test,
he was never committed for mental health issues.

no one reported him as a threat to himself or others (red flag)

there is ZERO the government could have done to prevent this.

could have been anything.

long barrel weapon are the easiest to get in Canada simply need to take a 8 hour safety course.
“scary” rifles are harder to get you need to take both the 8 hour safety course and another 8 hour course.

there is nothing that could be done that would have prevented this from happening, restricting firearm isn’t going to prevent normal people from going postal.

Canada has red flag laws, but none of his friends or family reported him as a threat.

RCMP only release important information, type of weapon used isn’t important information for the public or press.

Yes, this happen in very rural Nova Scotia I think the population of the main town was 250 people, the attack were spreed out over a large radius too its why it took so long for the police to confirm total numbers which is currently 22 without the shooter.

The body count would have been higher, but the Police acted fast and told people to shelter in place and not respond to the door.

the shooter would pretend to be an RCMP office go to the front door ding the doorbell and then kill them when they opened it.

Ever since the scandal broke every time I hear the name Trudeau this picture always comes to mind along with that damn Harry Belafonte song “Day-O” I can’t block it out no matter how hard I try :frowning:

I agree. So why do you suppose Trudeau is proposing stricter laws?

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I dont support Trudeau or his party

There are reports that the gunman had a mock police car and an authentic police uniform before the shooting.

Is that legal?

Were the laws knowingly ignored? Or did shooter hide the car and uniform before the shooting?