NOTHING the GOP is Doing Matters

Yeah- its interesting because they used to honestly say they wanted to cut spending with a straight face back then when they talked about cutting 'entitlements".

Now when they talk about “cutting spending” it means they want to chip away at spending priorities they hate but don’t mean anything in the larger picture of reducing the deficit.

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They aren’t dumb enough to cut it for their base… the current recipients. They do want to cut and privatize it for future people though.

Privitizing the commons is what they now live for.

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I see this happening on a state level, but nothing tangible on a national front. Could be the lead up…

Maybe I’m missing something, but that’s a good point.

:rofl: I gave you the primary sources from the designers!

Your post tells me a lot about your enabling. Not at all surprising. Very disappointing.

What do you feel neo-Marxism is?

No, he was a useful idiot.

Culture is the war.


For who? Clinton actually moved the Democrat party away from its FDR roots towards a much more neo-liberal path.

For them.

I’ll pass on the guessing games today.

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what are the top ten states gdp per capita?


hint: the liberal coasts are the driver for GDP



It’s not that they can’t.

It’s that they have no desire to.

They want to be their own self-fulfilling prophecy.

They campaigned on the notion. The government doesn’t work, and now they are doing their best to show that it indeed does not work.

Seems it is in your case… :wink:

Except they are indoctrinating the youth nationwide. Rural areas too.

Good. Then you can buy everything you need to survive from those of us that actually make it. And you can pay what we decide to charge you for it.

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Devolve power to the states and counties and families vs. The national socialist uniparty agenda of accruing more and more power to central government and profiteering off their control of the levers of power. That’s notable

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A dozen of posts back WuWei said something and Lucy called him dumb.
Also…Marx was the author so the product is called Marxism for that reason.

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I mean I just laid out how red states have been able to run their own show by vastly restricting abortion, gut most gun laws, ennact LGBTQ laws, etc. What specifically more do you want- policy wise- outside of complete dissolution of the Union?

Oh. You don’t like states enacting laws the majority of their particular voting constituents want to see enacted, so you would prefer different laws to be imposed on states by a more centralised power. You don’t like states practising democracy, it seems.