NOTHING the GOP is Doing Matters

I know it.
It takes one who lived it to be able to compare the two with open eyes.
People from outside see America through a different lense and that is something Americans don’t understand.
Americans are unable to translate their enemy’s actions/true intentions correctly because they are looking at that from ‘What I would do’ stand point.
Perfect example:
Middle East STOLE Billions from America’s good will yet Biden just YESTERDAY sends more money to HAMAS and Ayatolas.


NOT true.
They can govern and have been for over 200 years when given a chance.
Now they only dissagree what the priorities are.
First time they don’t have a Speaker for two weeks for whatever crazy reason does NOT mean they can’t govern.
Biden keeps OPEN border for over 2 years…THAT’S a proof he is an incompenent ot CORRUPT boob.
He feeds terrorists for over 2 years…that proves he is incompetent/corrupt and ??? a treasonous boob.


Absolutely true.
Look how everyone was stunned and surprised at the sheer number of people, and around the World as well, who sided with Hamas.
They didn’t formaly surrender…they just were found asleep at the wheel and shocked by what they see now.
Hey…Hellooooo…helloooo…WHERE have you been ???

Rs gave the Left control of Universities, Media, most of our Institutions in Defence Law and Order, almost the Pentagon and WHY…???
Because they don’t unite for their own cause.
To win more often and HAVE ANY POWER, [ a key thing in ANY Policy change to your liking ], you have to UNITE, meaning sometimes give up your personal priority for the CAUSE and for the Party because if you don’t you don’t win and Marxists dance on your grave.
Just like they do now PROTESTING.
Plain and simple.


They need our money, they will hang onto us till it’s spent.
Then they will buy food from friends like China who already owns good chunk of America’s land and bussiness plus debt.
[Arkansas Gov. Haccabee is stopping land sales to China, Bless her, noone else].
Who will be left holding the bag, [the Debt?]…not them.


Over 200 years eh? That’s a pretty neat trick since the GOP wasn’t even founded until 1854. They won’t even hit the 200 year mark until 2054.

That set aside however, this isn’t your grandfather’s GOP. I was a proud member of the GOP until Trump’s hostile takeover in 2016. This new GOP is a completely different animal than the iterations before it. So this version of the GOP has only been around less than a decade. And in that time, they managed to lose the House in 2018, then the Senate and White House in 2020. And the guy most people consider to be at the helm of this current GOP is still whining about losing in 2020 instead of giving a clear vision of the future.

So while Biden has his issues, the current iteration of the GOP has certainly proven that they have major issues as well.


Over 200 y …Yes.
They were not called Republican Party but the ideas they put though now has been there since the beggining.
We had elections for that reason…to see which side prevails, othervise who’d have them.

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Neo-Marxism is culture battlefield prep to get to economical.

Because Marxism failed as a straight economical system.


If it’s not marxism, then what is it?

Id also add that even though the GOP won control of the House in 2020- the MAGA wing still won’t govern…so I’m not sure they really won that as well.

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That’s frankly, one of the dumbest takes I’ve ever seen. A pathetic attempt to provide cover for those who scream “Marxist!” without having a clue what it means.


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Since the 90’s the prevailing economic policy has been Third Way Neo-Liberalism.

Wait Bill C wasn’t a secret Marcusian Frankfurt school devotee secretly bent on shaping the US into a Marxist state?

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So long as the only thing pugs run on is “culture war” then yes it won’t matter. Short term gains sure, long term no.

The pugs current take on the “culture war” does not matter, not even Desantis could take off on it.

Trump rarely mentions it, for him this all about the 2020 election being “rigged” but socially Trump does not have a conservative bone in his body.

The pugs need to shift from “the libs are evil” and everything they do is evil but they are stuck on second.

As they can’t even agree amongst themselves what they stand for.

Seriously tho- do you define most all of the western world as having Marxist governments? Because most of Europe and Canada are to the Left of the US.

Most liberal democracies these days mix in a bit of State interventions (social programs, welfare, etc) along with promoting capitalism through reducing taxes and regulations. Is there any way to have an honest conversation about that instead of resorting to silly terms like “Marxist!!”

This is what happens when people take history lessons from For Profit Political Media.


Honestly I think the GOP has mostly hit the end of the line in terms of policy. I’ll be honest and say that they have achieved most of what they have wanted since the Reagan era…

Massive slashing of taxes, deregulation of many industries, vastly reduced power of unions, abortion is illegal (or close to it) in most red states, gun rights laws are very strong in red states, LGBTQ laws are plentiful in red states.

What’s left? They no longer want to slash or privatize Medicare and SS. And they won’t touch Defense so that means they don’t really want to cut spending.

So…A gigantic 2000 mile long border wall. No immigration by “dangerous” people.

Anything else?

Oh… they want to do that.

I dunno man- Trump has come out pretty strong against that and I really haven’t heard a peep about that since Paul Ryan. Have you?

I used to think that, but I think what’s happening now is a shift towards populism in the pug party.

Old school pugs are not for it, part of the reason other then outright incompetence is why I believe there is no set policy outside of the usual buzzwords.

It will be interesting to see if the pugs are ever able to coalesce once again. But I doubt it, MAGA has shown it’s cracks and the establishment wing is ready to pounce. With their voter base being the wildcard.

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