Nothing is free, especially 8 COVID tests a month

8 tests a month will cover the OSHA mandate. That’s why this is being instituted.

SCOTUS will overturn the Biden OSHA mandates.

This new requirement will also get overturned by the courts.

Don’t tell me you have skin in the game when someone else has to carry your load. You want to have some pay no taxes, instead of at least a minimum, and receive benefits in excess of any withholding. You progressives like to talk about fair shares. My wife and I will pay our full share into Social Security and Medicare. And our tax obligation will still be thousands of dollars after all deductions and credits are applied. Now we manage our withholding to be pretty close, so we never owe more than a couple hundred, or get back, more than a couple hundred when we file. But the government will keep keep about $15,000 of our money paid in during the year. So someone else paying no income tax and effectively paying no Social Security or Medicare tax, because they receive more back than was withheld for all 3 during the year is not them paying any share, let alone a fair one.

It is socialist wealth redistribution.


You are right the test does not prevent Covid, they give one the information that they are positive
(or not) and more then likely contagious. What one does with that information however can prevent infecting others with Covid.

For example my daughter tested positive and instead of sending her to school we kept her home, had she gone to school there was a high probability of her infecting others.

That’s the point. Prevention is on the individual. (Both prevention from coming in contact with it, to a limited extent, and prevention from passing it to others.) The test doesn’t do anything for individual behavior except to inform the individual of his covid status.

Parents are still sending sick kids to school and/or daycare. (Not all, of course.) Heck, even California is sending covid-positive health care workers back to work if they are asymptomatic. So how is the test preventing transmission?

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Considering the huge wealth gap, that has widened incredibly in the last 40 years…

It appears that socialist wealth distribution has gone to the wealthy and corporations.

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By acting on the knowledge, if a parent test their sick kid they come out positive and still send the kid to school that’s pretty terrible.

If I test positive and knowingly go to work and infect my office, I will face consequences

Up to 8 tests a month?



Profit is based on an economic exchange of goods and services, redistribution is a one way transfer by government of someone else’s money.

So is exploiting them for votes.

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What actions can be taken then when you know that you are infected?

Maybe some actions that would prevent spreading it?

Look at here… we have someone who pays taxes!!!

Yeah… I do too.

You aren’t special.

That makes sense and if there are no tests…

Aren’t minorities the ones with lower vaccination rates?

Sure, it’s terrible. That’s not the point I’m making though.

The test doesn’t prevent covid spread. It takes personal responsibility, and there is a lot of it lacking out there.

And when you have the largest state in the nation putting covid-positive healthcare workers into hospital and clinics, the whole concept of personal responsibility is shot to hell.



I gave examples to the contrary in other posts.

It’s not the tests that prevent the spread.


Currently, our congress that has been bribed for the years, and exploded after Citizens United, has done a fine job of allowing corps to privatize the profits, and socialize the losses.

Have any members of the R party introduced any legislation to address this?

And … this is relevant to free covid tests … how?

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No not everyone pays federal taxes which are the taxes that fund the freebies programs. :roll_eyes:

If people want to forgo their responsibilities after knowing they are positive that’s on them.

But you asked how testing prevents transmission, while not directly the knowledge gained when acted upon prevents transmission. That knowledge can only be gained through testing, otherwise its just a guess.

I prevented the transmission that my daughter surely would have caused if she had gone to school. I was able to due this because I had the knowledge of her positive results from her test.

I think if insurance is going to be stuck investing in anything it should be sessions, possibly with a nurse by phone, advising behaviors that may lessen the chances of poor outcome from COVID-19.

Nutritional habits, starting an exercise program, outdoor exposure, such programs would be far more beneficial in the long run than 8 nasal swabs a month.