Not Yours To Give

Pretty obvious and easy to understand at that. :thinking:

Things never changed for me for the most part.

The only things that changed were stupid mandates.

If anything, I worked more hours than usual that entire time. I was the only one who avoided catching Covid (either that or I had it and was asymptomatic) in our crew.

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And he is full of crap for advancing Marxist comprehensions … which are all crap.

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Wonder who’s paying for this?


Did the government pay for Clinton’s, or Trump’s, attorneys when they were impeached? Not sure what spending authority would allow DHS to contract legal representation for what amounts to an administrative action.


Rand Paul’s brave defense of freedom may explain why he has faced three assassination attempts from deranged leftists.

“Tolerance” has come to mean compelling everyone to use the “right” pronouns. “Freedom” has come to mean forcing everyone to wear a mask and get a shot.

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He wasn’t exercising any authority or even expressing his normative views. His article is purely descriptive and exposes the “charity” objections for being completely irrelevant to the logically prior debate of who should own what.

Bruenig does not dispute that. He is only objecting to its use in debates (the following is his text, not mine):

The point here is that when we are debating about whether to adopt distributive institutions X or distributive institutions Y, charity is totally irrelevant.

Chesterton’s deconstruction is superior to both sides’ understandings:

We are fond of talking about “liberty”; but the way we end up actually talking of it is an attempt to avoid discussing what is “good”.
The modern man says, “Let us leave all these arbitrary standards and embrace unadulterated liberty.” This is, logically rendered, “Let us not decide what is good, but let it be considered good not to decide it.”

What a ■■■■■■■ genius he was.

Since the hell does the government outsource its lawyers???

He misused “liberty”

Since forever.

This happens all the time at the state and local level and has happened for many years.

Like all socialists, his arguments are based in the flawed belief that man can achieve some level of perfection, and then sustain it. In reality it is just a plan that leads to a return to feudal society.


Good one! Sowell is very intelligent. :+1:

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The problem with that view is when you’re born into money you get to let your money make you money while the guy who has to actually work for his money pays more in taxes than you do.

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Coveting is an ugly trait.


Nothing to do with coveting. Unearned income should be taxed more than earned income. That’s just fairness.

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No that is punishment. Not the persons fault they came into money.


That’s a great bumper sticker, but certainly not true.