Not just Twitter

Wrong. Influence.

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You can’t trust humans to always do what is right, especially when ideologically motivated. The platforms are too concentrated, as is google with its control of web services.

The internet service provider portion of this cabal refuses to host opposition.

Give me an example of some entity that was refused setvice due to their opposition.

“Opposition” is about as nebulous a term as “moral turpitude.” Show your work.

Who are these people, and why were they refused hosting?

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Going to beating on the table with your shoe already…



It’s ok. I apologize for taking your post seriously.

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The thread isn’t about me, try to remember that…

I think you are right. I am not sure what can be done government wise that wouldn’t be a cure worse than the illness. Perhaps they should at least be investigated when they claim they are not politically motivated. That purported lack of bias is used to draw in users/consumers under false pretexts.
It is not credible. I keep getting these little woke and leftist Channels showing up on my Home Screen in YouTube. What algorithm could possibly be used that would tell them from my viewing history that I would be interested in that stuff?

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IMO if government were choosing who or what twits to be taken down…than a massive lawsuit. And it needs to be big enough to make em think twice…but again it’s not there money.


I can’t wait to see it.

It’s not like government hasn’t been sued for violating people civil liberties.

This is accidentally the funniest post I’ve seen in a while.

I sue the Federal Government for violating people’s civil liberties for a living. It is the legal niche I have fallen into, and constitutes 100% of my practice.



I’m sure.

What about the FEC and not filing as a PAC?

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What about the FEC? I’m not following.

Who should have filed as a PAC? What are you talking about?

There are several internet service providers that host sites that other providers refuse to like Epik and VanwaTech.

Well…it seems at some point they’re going to drop the Covid coverup…and what came after the 2020 election. :thinking:

It’s hard to care, when you can’t fathom it being used against you.

They only want you to see an alternative point of view when that alternate point of view is theirs.

Otherwise, their viewpoint is all that matters.

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