Not just Twitter

No doubt. Now how do you combat it? Government? Or user choice? I think more regulations will come with strings.

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You clean up the bureaucrats who were involved.

The private sector with user choice. Informed users of course.


If the story was really suppressed, then why did I constantly see right wingers on Twitter and Facebook talking about the stupid laptop for the whole month of October 2020? They must have done a really bad job.

Don’t act like this actually chnged the results of the election. The story was pretty widespread on Fox News, websites like Breitbart, and talk radio. And who was in charge of all three banches of the government at the time?

Yes, and then the next Zuckerberg congressional hearing pressures the owner of that platform to bend at the knee. Now what?

Not trying to be an ass, just devils advocating. We’ve been here in the whatya do stage for a while.

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Yep…I believe Biden regime interactions under Covid vaccine is where you will find the real direct crimes of government involvement in mass censorship.

Also I would look at any threats to twitter in early days of whether government agencies threaten Twitter of inaction.

Good find Sneak.

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I’m thinking about finding direct conversation or tagged tweets that came directly from government/Biden regime itself…to build a case for massive lawsuit against our government in violation of first Amendment rights.

We may not be able to hold private media platform accountable but our government?

Again I’m just thinking out loud here.


Yeah … since he would be the guy likely taking the hit I think his response would be, should be: “no thanks”.

The old staff were suppressing lots and letting lefties get away with lots: even threats.


I want to give a shout out to Rep. Ro Khanna…only democrat that expressed concerns of censorship that was being pushed.

Only 1 liberal in entire democrat party?


You mean “nothing”? You don’t have a first amendment right to speech on any platform you want regardless of its size.

The only issue would be if the government forced or coerced them… but based on the Twitter release that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Another lib that is clueless of what we are talking about.


This has all the markings of an internal intelligence operation. Elected Government officials, appointed officials and hired employees, recruiting non-government individuals and entities to act as their agents, willing or unwilling, to provide deniability that it is government actually directing the actions and deciding the targets. Once you start taking direction from government officials, to do their bidding and aiding them in implementing their policies, you are their agent.


Considering social media plays such a yuge hand in our electoral process, I think it’s time to revisit 230 and make provisions for platform assurances.

Not sure how that would look, but as Sneaky said, the public square has been bought. Need to be able to buy back a piece without having it shut down, ie Parler.


Anti-trust, their level of control is monopolistic and they coordinate like a cartel to suppress competition.


Again, not sure what it would look like, but they do need to have the ability to shut down illegal content. But I wouldn’t mind seeing something that ties their hands of deplatforming just because.


Your talking about a government conspiracy to force large social media companies into censoring user generated content, are you not?

How so?

That happened, putting their thumb on the outcome of an election. Destroying our sacred democratic process.

Now, how should they be punished?

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Actually, why not just Twitter? As supporters of small government and being anti-regulation, why not take Twitter, and then let the market place decide? Your (c) problem is that all the big social media companies are run by politically left thinking people. There are other sites out there, they aren’t shutting them all down… the problem is you (c) want to be on the popular networks and they’re all run by liberals… unfortunately for you (c), liberals who have no qualms fielding campaign requests to review content.

With musk at the helm of Twitter, go ahead and investigate it. If you find actual illegal activity, then I say its fair game to check out the other services too.

We’ll see.