Not completely happy, but I can support the 1.5 trillion stimulus proposal

As it should be. You are not a citizen (yet).

Sorry to hear that (divorce). I hope you can get your citizenship.

Fortunately, I don’t live where homeless abound. I’d much rather the United States take care of its own before we start taking care of others.


It’s the GOP who doesn’t want to spend more.

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Green card holders are ‘our own’ workforce and neighbors.

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Yep. It’s Meadows and the GOP Senate that are stonewalling. Trump and the Democrats are willing to spend whatever they can.

I’m not saying I agree with it at all. But it’s the truth.

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Are they citizens of this or another country?

Obviously of another.

But they are still ‘our own’ tax paying, economy driving work force and neighbors.

I don’t know about state welfare systems, but for sure in Ohio, green card holders are eligible to apply for federal financial assistance to go to college. I agree with that.

Well well well. 1.5 trillion compromise dead with Dem House Leadership.

“We believe that getting to a compromise is absolutely essential,” Hoyer told reporters Tuesday. “Getting to a compromise that does not deal with the problems, however, is not useful, because the longer you delay addressing many of the problems, the greater you weaken both the economy and the response to COVID-19.”

Translation: Mo money, mo money, mo money.$1,200-direct-payments/?

Should be brougfht to a vot to see if it passes. bi partisan written, Dem’s afraid it will pass with bi-partisan support in both houses and president sign?

No they don’t.

Is that where this money is coming from? eyes the debt and deficit and fed printing presses

You realize you would be starting out your citizenship swearing an oath you don’t mean right?

Its all good. Absolutely no problem in having dual citizenship with the UK

The US does not formally acknowledge dual citizenship but neither do they penalize nor do I risk my US citizenship.

What does the oath have you swearing to though?

I know what the oath says. Dont worry no UK prince, potentate or even the UK state is going to ask me to do anything that will jeopardize the united states.

Trust me I will be able to live, work and contribute to the US with no issues.

So, as I was saying, your oath will be a lie.

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Nope not a lie, just will be keeping my UK passport which US law has no issue with.

Dont worry about it. It has zero impact on you.

This is how you can tell you guys only care about illegal immigrants and actually support legal immigration.

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I hereby declare, on oath , that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen

The poster is just pointing out that the other will be lieing when he renounces under oath. My book, that’s a reason to revoke the new ciutizen status,


How can you prove someone is lying? Prove that I will be more beholden to the UK than the US? Where does the oath say I have to revoke citizenship.

If it was such a concern for the US government they would not allow it.

Does anyone really think the Queen is going to start asking me to do nefarious things to hurt the US? Get real.