Not Babylon Bee Satire

Not because of their name or class, because of the wealth they stacked up for their descendants, though, never say never.

I grew up poor, one of my best friends parents had serious money, Dupont money. He went to the best private schools and had every advantage you would expect. He died recently, a poor, alcoholic, bartender.

Starting to understand.

Now take that further in how that wealth is used to entrench themselves.

Money is a tool, not a class. The only thing you need in this country to join the top echelon is lots of cash, class has little to do with it. Look at our wealthiest people and where they started. Neither Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg or Musk were born particularly wealthy.

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I find an affinity for class distinction to be a reveal of insecurity…just my opinion.

Trump will never be president…careful with those predictions.

Unless you are Trump and cavort with the middle class then the political class destroys you…or at least tries.

And their wealth is entrenched for likely generations.

They use that wealth to influence political power to keep and grow that wealth.

What do we call that?

Prudent investment? If they go broke, they will be back on the bottom. In a class structured society, they wouldn’t be. Their name alone would preserve their status.

In two or three generations some guy named Gates, descended from Bill, who is a panhandler, will have zero power. He might rate an article on how the mighty have fallen, that’s about it

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You and I both know that that isn’t what happens.

Once a certain amount of wealth is attained it is virtually impossible to lose.

The amount of projection in some of these posts is becoming blinding


I am rubber you are glue in intellectual internet points lingo?

I haven’t actually assigned any characteristics to actions other than those in direct contradiction to your position but sure i guess that makes sense.

No one ever said she was the brightest bulb in the pack…She is dangerous.


It’s a room too full of 5W bulbs and she’s still far from the brightest.

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Ya know I didn’t like and or support Trump…But there is nothing in this world that could make me support a lunatic like AOC.

Camp…Do you know how awesome it is to see someone use the little known ibid…Man…My dad was an English teacher and writer, and this style of citation is a lost artform. I often just say “ibid” to people I agree with. Too Cool…Made my day.

Over on another forum a loon has been insisting I’m a rabid Trump supporter for years even though I said at the first just opposing Democrats is good enough reason and I’ve flatly said on numerable occasions that Trump never will depart an inch from FDR’s high handed lawlessness.

That said, Trump simply fought back … something Republicans who for years start acting like their job is to get along with Democrats the moment they get elected have not done. If the seriousness of the charges ever went both ways he might of done some damage.

As it is those he thought were allies seem to have been trying to run the clock out to protect Democrats and the Deep State from almost the beginning. I now expect everything that could hurt them to quietly go away while they start coming after everyone who opposes them.

Sad that people appear to only know about that robotic dog from a tv show and not the one in use by the military.

It’s not like anyone wants to issue robotic Richard Simmonses for use even with that serious flaw in their asses.

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