Not a single Dem Senator voted to advance their New Green Deal

How’s that workin’ out? That’s rhetorical. :wink:

The year is still young

Good one! :rofl::rofl:

All 55 of them plus the 2 independents should have voted present.

Why should they have voted on the NON BINDING RESOLUTION since it was an obvious show vote?

A show vote that helps once more to illustrate what a hypocrite Mitch McConnell is.

Liberals are having a hard time passing their own agenda, now. In 2020, they wont be any better picking a nominee

Sensible position, no point in just us doing something about it and I don’t fancy a global warming compliance world war. Not sending my kids to die trying to shut down Chinese coal plants.

Oh, so just like Republicans with trump.

This is really really cool and stuff, because it made like Alexandria Cortez and stuff, look
like a idiot and stuff. lol.

The whole Bill is a ■■■■■■■ stunt.

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